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“What? I’m standing here, and I’d like to know.”

I laugh. I feel like I've been firmly planted in the dining room back in Texas. I can imagine exactly what their dinners would be like.

"I was just saying how much I understand the importance of spending time with family. Come." I step onto the boat. "I'll join you."

"You'll join us?" Natalie's eyes widen. I can't tell if it's an admiration or horror. "But you have so much to do," she insists. "I mean… so, so much."

"This is important." I step further onto the boat and help them on. "In fact, at this very moment, there is nothing more important than this."

Natalie looks like she might faint, but I'm not sure why.



It only takes Olivier a minute of speaking with the boat's captain and suddenly we're being ushered to the upper floor of the boat. I didn't think anyone was allowed up here, but I suppose there are advantages to being Olivier Dubois. Advantages that come with dropping his own name.

I couldn't afford to get us the lunch tickets—we were supposed to only be on the regular cruise to take in the sights, and then I figured we'd grab a sandwich. But Olivier wasn't having that.

"You are going to thoroughly enjoy the lunch prepared by Davidou Bertrand. He does the catering for all these cruises, and since he came along, the quality has greatly improved."

"Well," Mom says, rubbing her hands together. "With a recommendation like that, how can a girl go wrong?"

Dad laughs heartily. "I'm afraid I might not know the difference. I've never really been one for fine dining. But, I do appreciate a good dish when I taste one."

My parents are so not French. Which is really no big deal in Paris because there are foreigners everywhere. But a fancy lunch with Olivier? This was not in my plan.

I can’t complain. I’m sure it’s entirely appropriate that they would meet my boss given how dedicated I am to my work. All parents meet their adult daughters’ bosses, right? I have to tell myself that. Olivier is my boss.

Sure, there was that kiss regarding the Eiffel Tower idea… And sure there was that kiss when we were back at the country house… And there was the time he saved my life and carried me bare-chested and dripping, as my fingertips traced the lines of his shoulders, his back, his cheek…

But he is my boss, and as he made clear that’s all he intends to be. Complicated. That was his word, and it resounds in my brain. His situation is complicated.It’s also a great getaway clause.

"Olivier," Mom begins, and I hold my breath—I need to be on damage control duty. Mom and Dad are full of southern charm, but I don't know how far that'll fly in Paris. "Natalie tells us that you've got a big event coming up?"

Okay, that was a safe question. I'll give Mom that.

"It's true. In fact it might be the event that changes the course of my life. For better, or…" he hesitates, and then shrugs. "Let's hope it's for the better."

"We absolutely do. I'm just thrilled that we'll be able to attend."

"Mom, I don't know about that."

"Of course you will have to attend." Olivier smiles as if he means it.

"But Olivier," I feel the panic rising in my throat, "you need every possible seat for your guests."

"For your parents, Natalie, there will be two seats available."

"How charming," Mom bubbles, completely oblivious.

"I don't know," Dad says, leaning forward on his elbows. "Olivier, the jury is still out on you."

Oh no, Dad. Please don't do the protective father thing.

"From what I understand, you are Natalie's boss—is that right?"

"It is, sir."
