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But I’m not looking at the bushes, I’m looking at him.

I can’t take my eyes off him. Something else is happening here. I can't pretend it’s not.

And now—oh, heavens—he’s taking off his shirt. His shirt is officially off. It’s spring on the western coast of France and not even that warm, but now…

Oh, no. There go his finely ironed cotton pants. He’s standing in his tight boxers in front of the swimming pool, and I’m in a bush a few yards away, watching it happen. He looks exactly the way he did on the magazine covers, the muscles of his chest drawing a path to the ripple of his abs.

His chest expands as he takes in a deep breath, lifting his arms above his head, and he dives into the water like a god of the sea.

Be still, my beating heart. Just a few steps closer.

He crests in the water, and even though he’s soaking wet, the sadness in his eyes is unmistakable. I want to take him in my arms and promise him everything is going to be alright.

Oh, no. Not only am I getting hot and bothered watching my boss swimming in his underwear, it’s worse…

I’m falling for him.



Is Natalie standing in the bushes?

The moonlight catches the fabric of her bright pink dress, and indeed, Natalie is hiding in the shrubs. And beyond all reason, I find it completely irresistible. Perhaps because I can’t think of anyone else on the planet who would try to hide while wearing neon pink.

She gasps, catching me watching her, and she strolls behind the bushes as though that had been her intention all along.

I tread water in the middle of the pool. “I see you, Natalie.”

She stops, visibly debating with herself whether to run off or face the situation. She straightens her dress and adjusts her hair, then walks out from behind the greenery.

“Olivier. I thought I heard you here.”

I swim to the side of the pool closest to her. She watches me and then looks away, debates with herself again, and looks back.

I laugh out loud. I can’t help it. Her discomfort with the situation is too amusing to bear.

“Let me guess,” I say, “an evening stroll under the stars to take in the sights?”

I lift myself up a little higher, revealing my chest as I lean on my arms.

She covers her eyes. Actually covers her eyes. “I didn’t mean to disturb you. I’m very sorry. I’ll just let you get back to enjoying your night..”

“No, no.” I stop her. “I could use the company.”

“Well,” she says, “I have been hoping to catch you, but you seemed very occupied all day.”

“I was, but that was then, and this is now. And I’d like to leave this day behind me, do you know what I mean?”

“Oh, believe me,” she says, “I do.”

I chuckle. “Grandmama is keeping you busy, is she?”

“I don’t mind the busy part, but the rest of it…” She stops herself and tilts her head. “Actually, I’d like to ask you about something she said.”

“To you?”

“No, not to me. But not really to anyone.”
