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“Right. Well, thank you for that. And if you happen to have a pharmacy, a post office, and a bank tucked away in the house as well, that would be helpful for me to know. Apologies for jumping in,” she says in a singsong voice and rushes off.

Sebastian tilts his head. “You do know that book isn’t in there, right?”

“I know, but I can’t let this be too easy on her. She needs to feel like she’s repaying her debt.”

“And waiting on Grandmama isn’t enough?”

I watch her curls bouncing as she rushes back inside, her figure in those leggings sends my imagination flying. She looks back briefly and offers a quick smile that makes my heart race.

“Wait a second.” Sebastian crosses his arms and throws his weight to the side. “You never have that look on your face. You’re falling for her,” he claps his hands and laughs.

I blow air out my lips like I have no idea what he’s talking about. Or at least I hope that’s how it looks. “Me? An American girl? Please.”

“You, and of course an American girl. How long have you been talking about taking a vacation to America, threatening to never come back?”

“That’s just joking.”

“I’m not so sure.”

“Besides, with my position in the restaurant, I can’t afford to be running around with the staff.”

“You are falling for her,” Sebastien insists. “That’s why you’re more relaxed than I’ve ever seen you. That’s why you’re still here now and show no sign of running back to Paris. You haven’t spent more than two nights in a row here since things went downhill with the restaurants.”

“Not because I didn’t want to.”

“Yeah, I get it,” he says, waving his arms. “But the point is, here you are, and it’s because of Natalie. That coy smile on your face, that arrogant charm. Don’t think I don't see it in you, Olivier Dubois. That same blood runs in all of the Dubois family.”

My heart might beat out of my chest. It’s one thing to have a secret crush that I hide in the far recesses of my mind, but if my brother sees it on me that plainly, I’m in trouble.

“Brother.” Sebastian puts his hand on my shoulder. “You fall for whoever you want. You know that I don’t play into this sense of family expectations. You’ve done enough for the family. However, if Simone finds out that you're running around with a little American, you’re going to have a whole new set of problems on your hands.”

He claps my shoulder and walks away. If only I could walk that easily through life, not fear the consequences of disappointing Father or Grandmama or the memory of my mother. He never fears those things, and yet he is as much a loyal member of this family as I am. And he knows me better than I wish he did. That confident little brat.

But he’s so right that even I can’t deny it.

Simone has believed for years that she and I will one day get married. I never said it. I’ve never promised it. There was never any romance between us. But there was an understanding that took place between our families years ago, and I’ve never been able to officially dismiss those mistaken beliefs. There’s never been anything concrete; it’s not like we live in the age of arranged marriages. Yet somehow, the expectation was always that Simone and I would lead the family when our time came.

After all, it was Grandmama who set it up.

Back when we were young, it felt like the future where I’d have to be married was an eternity away. Grandmama seemed old even then, despite her energy. I figured this whole arrangement would dissipate with time.

But time passes much faster than I ever knew.

Simone and Natalie. Are there any two women in the world who have less in common? They come from such different worlds, it’s as though the two of them can’t possibly both exist on the same plane of existence.

And I can’t live in both their worlds at once.

The back door swings open, and standing there is Natalie with her arms full of old-fashioned volumes, several from my grandfather’s collection.

“I couldn’t find the book that Madame wanted to read. But look at this treasure trove. This is incredible. She’s going to love them. And I’ll get to work on my French. It’s a win-win.”

She turns, her hair flipping behind her. And I wouldn’t know what to say to her even if I’d had a moment to speak. I’m completely speechless.

Standing in the middle of broken wine glasses, waiting on an old woman, reading stodgy old books. No matter the situation, she finds joy in it. I feel like I’m missing out on a great mystery of life, one that Natalie has already figured out.


