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He laughs and claps his hands. But then his face changes. The smile fades, and his eyes drop.

"What is it, Papa?" I know that look. Something's going on, and he doesn't want to tell me, but he has to.

"It's your grandmother."

My stomach sinks. She's gotten older, that's for sure. Far more frail than she ever was. But I can't possibly believe that...

"She took a bad fall," he continues and then quickly adds, "but she's alright."

“Oh, thank goodness.”

"But she's going to need full-time support, for at least a couple of weeks."

"Of course. I'm sure Sebastien can find someone." My brother lives at the country house with Grandmama, and is very capable of handling this kind of emergency. But I see the expression on Papa's face. "Don't tell me that she's already fired someone he found?"

"No. Not someone. Some three." Father sighs and rubs his forehead. "Your brother has tried. And you know your Grandmama won't listen to me for a minute. But you, Olivier, you are her little prince. You're the only one who can solve this."

"I can't wait on Grandmama for two weeks!"

"Of course not. But you have to find someone. The perfect someone. Someone she cannot possibly send off in tears. Someone with character."

That's an understatement.

"Of course, Papa. I'll find someone and come to the country house, just as soon as I can. I need to take care of the paperwork here, and I have a couple of media interviews tomorrow. But we'll figure this out."

"Good boy, Olivier. We can always count on you."He hangs up without saying goodbye, as is his way.

Oh, Grandmama. She is a handful. I don't know how I'm going to find someone willing to wait on her hand and foot, while also putting up with her attitude. But I am OlivierDubois, and I can handle any challenge.

Camille clears her throat. “Cleanup is done. The staff are waiting in the main dining room.” She nods and marches out.

I put the mask back on: Olivier the boss, Olivier the leader. Olivier who will lead the Bouchon Noir back to prosperity. I smooth my hair in the mirror. As much as the news about Grandmama has put a rock in my stomach, the staff can't see any cracks in my armor. They have to see me at the top of my game, or else they will lose trust. We are too close to crawling out of this hole for me to lose their confidence now.

I walk, slowly and surely from the private event room into the main dining room. Everyone is there. Everyone except…

Where's Natalie? She wouldn't miss this meeting. I made it clear that this is obligatory. Last night ended on a high note. She wouldn't be avoiding me just because of the crystal… or would she? She must know that I have to demand she pay for it, but she's just another one of those rich American kids hanging out in Paris on her parents’ dollar, so she shouldn’t be too worried.

I'm tempted to let it go, given the great media exposure she brought us, but I can't. I can't let the other staff think that such a deed would go without consequence or that I’m playing favorites.

There she is. Huddled in the corner with her arms crossed and shoulders pulled in. While she’s as put-together as ever, I see something new in her eyes. Dread?

Despite my instinct to march over to her and find out what’s going on. I have a job to do.

"Good afternoon, everyone," I begin, my hands folded in front of me. I take a moment to smile at each of them. "Congratulations on last night. The reviews say it all. You were magnifique."I kiss my fingertips and toss my admiration in their direction."While we are not yet safe,” I continue, “each of you played a role in making last night a success. Jean-Claude, I saw your patience when the customer demanded to be reseated. Your poise paid off. Marie, the way you helped the elderly couple created a sense of family without compromising the quality and air of luxury."

I take my time, appreciating each of them and relishing the wordless pride they show in their eyes. I use the next few minutes to remind them of the restaurant history, of their role in keeping our mission alive. That the Bouchon Noir is more than just a restaurant. It is a symbol of possibility—how anyone can rise from the ashes of poverty into a world of culinary luxury, all thanks to Grandmama.

Poor Grandmama. She does not do well with limitations. If she’s in a state as father suggests, I can imagine she will only be harder to deal with than she was already. Poor dear… I can never let her hear me pity her or she’d clip me in the ear.

But she needs help.

Do I know anyone who would be interested in such a mission? I don't think I can subject any of my entourage to it. It could mean the end of our friendship.

All the staff are looking at me, waiting for me to address the key moment from last night.

It’s time to talk about the crystal.

"Natalie," I call out. "Firstly, we are grateful that you were not hurt in last night's incident. But you must know the cost of such clumsiness cannot be overlooked. The cost of such an error is substantial. You will repay your debt."
