Page 98 of Bring It On

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“Thanks, man. I’ll do your place proud.”

“Don’t doubt it. But it’s not my place anymore.” He reached down for one of the glasses, handed me one, and we clinked glasses. I took a deep sip, sitting back down as Owen did the same.

“Technically, until next Friday. . .”

“Technically,” he repeated. With a long, exaggerated sigh, Owen shook his head. “Lusanne asked me how I felt about the whole thing last night. You’d think after spending so much of my time there, I would feel more sad. But honestly, I feel more of a sense of relief. I can focus on the store, some of my other investments, Lusanne.”

“You have a lot going on for sure.”

“Tell me about it. So, first order of business. When do you want me to officially introduce you to the staff?”

“How’s tonight?”

“Works for me.”

“Although I do have another request for you. A favor.”


“I’ve been a bit of a shit with Zoe and want to make it up to her. She knows I’m coming back home today but doesn’t know I’m here or anything about the bar yet.”

“Ahh, I’m with you. No problem at all. Any ideas?”

“Yes, actually.”

I laid out my thoughts and Owen, as I suspected he might, had no problem helping me out. In fact, he actually scrolled through his phone for a contact, sending it to me. “The things we do for love.”

Love. Indeed.

I was in love with Zoe, and with any luck, I hadn’t jeopardized anything by not telling her sooner. I’d screwed up our first meeting. Then hightailed it out of her apartment and the damn town, forgetting the man I’d become these past eight years.

If I’d been afraid of losing the respect I’d gained during my service, then I hadn’t learned a damn thing.

“You’re not kidding,” I said to Owen. “Seems worth it to me, though.”

Owen raised his glass. “I’ll drink to that.”

And so, we did.

Owen, the previous owner of KC’s Taphouse and soon-to-be father.

Me, the new owner of an established bar in a town I never expected would be my new home. But with Zoe and Lucas in Kitchi Falls, and my family a few-hours drive away, it was as good a place as any to lay down my roots.

It was gonna be a hell of an awkward situation if Zoe decided she’d had enough of my shit recently to stick it out, but I was determined to make it right with her. And only had a few hours to get ready to make that happen.



I pulled my jacket tighter on the way to KC’s. It was getting colder, winter way too close for comfort. Fall was my favorite season, especially here in the Finger Lakes. Pretty much any lakeside winery afforded incredible views with the trees changing colors.

Or changed colors, actually. This time of year they were starting to look a little bare. Pretty soon, there’d be no leaves to speak of. I picked up the pace, only two blocks to go.

Waving at people I knew, my heart racing at the thought of finally seeing Nate, I tried for the millionth time to decipher his messages. Figure out what the surprise might be. Or why we were meeting at KC’s on a Friday night and not going out to dinner. Or better yet, staying in. I’d have thought he might want to see me privately after time apart, but the new me didn’t question it.

I actually laughed out loud at myself.

The new me. I could try like hell to “be like water and go with the flow,” but my overthinking brain just wouldn’t quit. Maybe instead of fighting it, I should just accept the fact and move on.
