Page 96 of Bring It On

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I didn’t mention my stupid ex. No reason to do that.

Oh yeah?

Yeah. How about you?

As a matter of fact. . .

“Let me guess. Nate?” Natalie asked next to me.

Erik was totally listening.

“Yep. Just give me a sec, and we’ll head down to hit some legs.”

“Works for me.”

I waited. And waited. Even looked downstairs to see if Nate was here or something. Which was silly, of course. But no sign of him.

I’m heading back to town tomorrow.

This town?

LOL. Yes, Kitchi Falls.

My heart raced.

You are?

I am.

For good? Or was it a temporary thing? Where was he staying? So many questions.

Don’t force it. Go with the flow.

That’s great news!

I was hoping you’d think so.

I was about to text him back when another one came through.

And I have a surprise for you.

A surprise? That was interesting.

I love surprises.

I know. Have a lot to do today, but will catch up before bed.”

He was coming back. And had a surprise. My chest felt as if it would explode with happiness. Maybe Charlee was right after all. Trust. Such a small little word, but not always the easiest thing in the world to do.

Sounds good. Later, gator.

Later, Zoe girl.

A kiss emoji followed. That was new. Didn’t want to read into it any more than I should, but it was hard not to let my mind wander.

When I looked up, both Natalie and Erik were watching me.

For his part, Erik didn’t look thrilled. Maybe because I was on cloud nine, and he didn’t put me there? Didn’t matter.
