Page 94 of Bring It On

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“Why? What did I say?”

Figure your shit out, and don’t ruin a good thing.

It really was that simple.

“If I tell you, you’ll just gloat. Come on, hurry down. If it works out, I’ll fill you in.”

“If what works out?”

I didn’t answer.

“Fabulous. Mr. Mysterious is back. You know, Nate, you’re not an easy man to love. And you’re my brother.”

“Nice of you to say,” I called back, not taking offense. She was probably right. Which was another reason I couldn’t screw this up.

If I was right, despite my sister’s claim, Zoe did love me. And I was madly in love with her, that was for sure. I wouldn’t ruin a good thing because that’s what we had.

By the time we got down and I had service again, it was midafternoon. I didn’t have Owen’s cell number, but KC’s should be open by now. I looked up the number, called, and waited.

It was hard for my mind not to race as the phone rang. This was a high-stakes call, nothing more or less than my future on the line. If it worked out. . .

No, not if.

I’d learned a thing or two in the army, and it was about time I remembered that.

This would work out. Which would mean I’d have a busy week before I headed back to Kitchi Falls.

Back to Zoe.

For good.



“Alright, what are you planning to do here?”

Natalie looked around the gym. “I have no idea to be honest. Never thought I’d join a gym.”

Natalie was more the outdoorsy type. Runner. Hiker. I was actually surprised she wanted to meet me here.

“Why are you joining anyway?”

“Cooper thought it would be a good idea, since the rowing program is shut down for the season.”

Natalie, a college rower, had started a community rowing program a few years ago. But I had no idea what that had to do with the gym.

“Is he a member?”

“No, mostly just runs with me. But with his new clients taking so much of his time, he’s had less and less of a chance to get out there. I was complaining about not having a running partner, and he suggested the gym, knowing you’re here. And I think Mazzie was going to join too.”

I kept the bit about Cooper being controlling to myself. I was in no position to give advice on men. Yesterday, even though Nate and I had texted back and forth, there was nothing particularly insightful or spicy about his messages. Mostly they were about our day, him hiking with his sister, no specifics on coming home.

For my part? I was being like water. Going with the flow. Even if I felt more like a raging river inside than a calm, steady stream.

“Either way, I’m glad you’re here. As you can see, all of the weights are down here, the machines on that side, and the cardio up there on the loft. There are classes, too, over there, but I don’t take them so can’t offer much there.”

“I’d love to do some weights, maybe balance out the arms a bit.”
