Page 71 of Bring It On

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Zoe opened her mouth. Closed it.



“Tell me.”


It was the kind of conversation we had on text all the time. At this point I’d typically send a GIF that Zoe would laugh at.

But we weren’t texting. This was real life, and in some ways, it was hard to get accustomed to the fact.

I leaned in toward her. Kissed her. Gently. My tongue glided across the crease of her lips until she opened for me. Not giving a shit who was watching, I turned my head for better access and devoured her or would have if such a thing were possible.

Zoe must have forgotten where we were as well as she let herself be consumed. Eventually pulling away, I looked into her wide eyes.

“What was that for?” she asked.

“Just because I could.”

Zoe seemed to understand. Maybe she was thinking of our texts too.

“So you were extolling the qualities of this particular lake.”

“And the region as a whole, yes. I think it’s a fine place to settle.”

“Do you now?”

“I do.”

Some real adult-talk now. “We discussed a week, Zoe. Maybe it’s best I move back into Lucas’s place, especially if we’re really going to have this talk. About me moving to the area.”

She didn’t seem overly offended. “I don’t get it.”

“If I were to decide to move here and was already in your place, the next logical step would be to stay there. Which would mean we essentially decided to live together before we even decided on ‘us’ in the first place.”

“Does that scare you?”

“Not as much as it should.” Honest answer. “But I’m not coming off a serious six-month relationship. And before you toss me overboard, I’m just stating that as a fact.”

Zoe definitely looked as if she wanted to toss me overboard. “Meaning?”

“Meaning, it’s a big step. And I have no idea if that’s something you want.”

“All you have to do is ask.”

I took a sip of wine as Zoe did the same.

Bad idea.

It really wasn’t my thing, and she could tell.

“Nate, you don’t have to force it. The wine. Me.”

“I’m not forcing things with you, Zoe. That’s the point. I want to do it right. Because it’s what we both want, living together. Not by default because I just ended up at your place.”

Zoe sighed. “I just don’t get it. If I want you there, I guess it’s a matter of you just not being ready?”
