Page 4 of Bring It On

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I liked that she didn’t wait to text me back. So, I did the same.

You said your dad was a captain in the navy?

Yep. Lots of moving around, as you can imagine.

I tried to think back to what Lucas had told me about her, but all I could remember was that she was Charlee’s friend. So, she must be about the same age, probably a year or two older than me, close to thirty. Or not. Just because she and Charlee were friends didn’t mean they were exactly the same age.

My dad served but only for one term. That had to be tough moving so much.

She didn’t hesitate.

It was. . . hard to make friends.

That was the kind of casual statement that packed way more of a punch as a reality than a one-line text. But I didn’t know her well or at all. So, I let it go.

Where you from originally?

Born at a naval base in Saratoga Springs

So you really are a military brat?

Born and raised ;)

Now, I wasn’t one to read into the whole emoji thing, but a wink was a wink. Did Zoe have a boyfriend? Lucas would know.

You live in Kitchi Falls now?

Yep. Moved here about a year ago. I work as a hotel manager for Charlee’s dad’s company.

Ahh, the infamous Mr. Donovan. Although they got along well enough now, Lucas and Charlee’s dad had quite a history. It was the father who convinced Charlee to break up with Lucas in high school, just before he enlisted. Thankfully, the two of them came to a tentative truce when he and Charlee got back together recently.

I hear he’s quite the character?

LOL. Understatement.

How is he as a boss?

If you think I’m putting that in writing, you’re out of your mind.

Easier question. What does Zoe Harrison typically do on a Sunday afternoon in Kitchi Falls?

Oh, that’s right, you’re ahead of me. What time is it there?

Almost 21:00. You’re seven hours behind me.

On this particular Sunday, hitting a winery soon. A new one for us. Just left the gym.

So, she worked out.

Sundays aren’t always winery days?

For the first time, she paused.

Sometimes. But we were out yesterday, so normally we might take it easy today.

So, what was it about this particular Sunday that was different? I was curious but wouldn’t pry. So instead, I picked up on the gym comment.

A workout in air conditioning. Sounds great.
