Page 92 of And So, We Dance

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It took all of my restraint to give her nothing more than a quick kiss as she sidled up to me. One would think I’d be able to keep my hands off her for at least a few minutes by now, but the intense attraction that had always been there between us had grown, not diminished.

“Hey there,” she said as we made our way into the kitchen.

“Hey there yourself. It’s been”—I looked at my watch—“more than three hours since I saw you last.”

Just as we were about to enter, I pulled her to the side.

“Let them talk a bit,” I said, looking around. No one in sight. Even if there were, I didn’t give a flying fuck. Pulling her to me, I kissed her. Deeply. Promised, without words, more to come. “Do you know how badly I want to grab that ponytail and give it a tug?” I said, knowing by now exactly what Charlee liked.

“Yeah? What would you do with me then?”

She loved dirty talking, and I loved giving her what she wanted. I leaned closer to her ear. “If we were in my bed, I’d have you on all fours in front of me while I held on, fucking you until you came all over my dick.”

“Oh my God, Lucas.”

Her favorite phrase. I stood up straight, giving us some space. Her father would be lurking around here somewhere. “Yes, baby?”

“You’re killing me.”

“Mmm, tell me more.”

“What are the two of you doing over there?”

Like I said.

It wasn’t that Mr. Donovan and I had the best of all relationships, but we were at least on speaking terms, something I’d never imagined possible when I’d left Kitchi Falls ten years ago. The fact that he’d accepted Charlee’s decision not to take the VP job had gone a long way in my forgiving him for having forced his daughter’s hand so many years ago.

Mostly, I just wanted Charlee to be happy. And having the two of us at peace made her happy.

Sticking out my hand, I shook his, giving no indication that I’d just been discussing fucking his daughter from behind two seconds ago.

“Thanks for having us tonight,” I said.

“Our pleasure. How’s your dad doing?”

His struggles were the town’s to know, whether I was dating Charlee or not. Nothing happened in Kitchi Falls without word spreading quickly.

“So far, so good. Still working. Still attending meetings.”

“Lucas goes with him to every one,” Charlee said, as if that should earn me a medal.

“Good for you,” Mr. Donovan said, seemingly sincere. “Listen, before we go in,” he added. “There’s something I need to say that’s probably overdue.”

Oh fuck. And we were doing so well.

“Full send. Lay it on me.”

Charlee’s dad cleared his throat. “Before you left town, I just did what I thought was right for my daughter—”

“Dad, please.”

“For better or worse. She was a kid back then. But now. . .” He looked at Charlee. “She’s a grown woman, and I had no business trying to sway her decisions. I jumped to conclusions about how you left the service. And that was wrong.”

Charlee had told me how he’d made some inquiries.

“I appreciate it,” I said. “And know you were just trying to protect her.”

“For the record, I think it’s really shitty what happened. That you were discharged for doing the right thing.”
