Page 86 of And So, We Dance

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“I am going to pound you so hard, Charlee, that you won’t know where you end and I begin. Do you hear me?”

Her eyes said she did, loud and clear. “Anything you want is yours. I’m yours.”

Fuck. This woman would drive me insane. I wasn’t gentle tearing off her clothes, but to be fair, Charlee didn’t go easy on me either. Shoes, socks, pants, tops. . . all of it piled in a heap next to the door. When she was completely nude, I moved us to the couch, bent her over and grabbed a fistful of Charlee’s hair.

She cried out, not in pain, but pleasure. All I ever wanted.

“I want you to call my name,” I said, spreading her legs with my own. “No, I want you to fucking scream my name, Charlee. As loud as you want.”

“Someone might hear me,” she said as I got into position.

“Too fucking bad.”

And then my tongue was there, just below her ass cheeks. I ran it upward, loving the catch in her breath. Just to be sure she understood what was happening, I said, “I am going to tongue dart your fucking ass, baby, until you come.”

“Oh my God.”

And so, I did. Plunging it in, up and down. Left and right. With one hand gripping her hair and the other reaching around front, slipping inside her pussy, I was hard as a rock listening to Charlee’s moans.

I stopped. “Say it, Charlee. Scream it.”

When I started working her again, she did. Called my name over and over. I was relentless, pausing only when I felt her begin to shake. When she was about to come.

“No, no, no. Please don’t stop.”

To remind her I was in control, something Charlee herself said turned her on, I didn’t move. My fingers paused. I used the time to admire her round, firm ass as she continued to beg.

“When I’m ready,” I said, only to feel Charlee begin to pulse beneath my fingers even though they weren’t moving. Smiling, I relented, realizing I was already giving her what she wanted. Tugging on her hair, rubbing my thumb over her clit and resuming the tongue action I knew she’d love, Charlee didn’t just come all over my fingers. She fucking exploded, screaming my name just like I’d told her to.

“Good girl,” I said. “Come for me just like that, Charlee.”

Taking advantage of our position, and the fact that Charlee was currently dripping wet, I stood, guided myself toward her and made good on my promise. Grabbing both of her hips, I both thrusted into her and pulled Charlee toward me at the same time.


I did it again.

“Jesus, fucking, Christ. Lucas.”

And again. And again. Pounding away while listening to her make the most pleasing sounds deep in her throat. Reaching around front, I began to play with her clit.

“Come again for me, Charlee.”

I could explode any second but would wait. For her, this was round two.

“Fucking come for me,” I said.

That seemed to do the trick. Once again. Charlee’s legs began to shake, and as I’d once promised her would happen, her knees buckled. But I held her up as I also came deep inside her, calling her name into the emptiness of my apartment. One that wouldn’t be as empty much longer. This woman, the sensual, sex-loving woman with a craving for dirty talking, was basically moving in. That thought only intensified my orgasm as I came as hard into her as I could ever remember coming in my life. Until finally, I was spent. Clearly, Charlee was too. At least, for now.

“We should talk.”

After a second round in the bed, Charlee was curled up, her back against me, her shoulders rising and falling as I played with her hair. Playing footsie with me under the covers, she seemed as relaxed as I felt. Even so, we had some things to discuss.

Turning toward me, Charlee pulled a pillow more firmly under her head.

“I’ll need to bring a better pillow too.”

“Speaking of that. . .” I ran my finger from her shoulder downward, enjoying exploring Charlee’s curves. “Sounds like you’ll be staying here quite a bit?”
