Page 71 of And So, We Dance

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“I can feel you,” I said. Part of me wanted to rip every remaining piece of clothing off him, and part of me wanted to bury my head in the crook of his neck and snuggle there forever.

“And I can feel you,” he answered. By the time we made it to the door, he was fully erect while still inside me. “Fuck. The key.”

The door was, of course, locked. I began to pull my leg down, as if to let him go grab the key, when Lucas shook his head.

“Oh no, you don’t.”

With that, he angled me to the door of the cabin, the smooth wood cool against my bare back, then smiled. “This time, it’s not gonna be gentle.”

Oh, my God.

The look on his face. It was primal. Authoritative.

At his first thrust, my eyes widened.

At his second, I held on for dear life.

At his third, I believed him. This wasn’t gentle at all. I met his energy with my own, and as best as I could do with my legs wrapped around his back, I met every thrust with a bounce of my hips. Soon we found a near frantic rhythm.

I cried out his name.

He called out mine.

“I want to fuck you,” he said, “right through this goddamn door.”

There was only so much a girl could take. The relentless pace, his words, the need apparent between us. . . it was the first time I could remember coming like this. No clit stimulation, just pure and unadulterated Lucas. The effect had me screaming his name, hoping the next cottage wasn’t close enough to hear us.

“Fuck, Charlee,” Lucas growled just before burying himself so deeply into me I was sure there was no possible way he could be inside me any more. As we shuddered together, both of our arms tightened, his around my bottom and mine around his neck. It was like we were one person and not two.

We stayed that way for a while until I wondered if Lucas would ever let go of me. If he didn’t, I wasn’t going to be the one to break the spell. For now, at least, nothing between us mattered but this embrace. For this one moment in time, there was nothing between us but love. Except, Lucas didn’t love me. I wasn’t even sure he forgave me completely.

But one thing was abundantly clear.

I was still, and always had been, in love with him.



By the time I cleaned up the food and started a fire, Charlee had gone to town on the cottage. Lighting candles, opening a new bottle of wine, and storing her overnight bag in the bedroom, she walked toward me, barefoot but still in her dress.

I stood, poking the fire one last time.

“This place is adorable,” she said, hesitant. Which was ironic after what had just gone down on the porch.

I was determined to break down any remaining barriers she had. And would start immediately.

“Turn around,” I said, the fire crackling beside us. “I adore that dress, but it’s got to go.”

She laughed. “No preamble, huh?”

Yet she did as I asked.

Pushing her hair to one side, I undid the clasp at the top of her little black number.

“Oh, there’ll be plenty of preamble,” I said, pushing the material of her dress down around her shoulders. “This time, I’m going to make love to you, Charlee.” Her head went up. Wondering what she thought of that, I admired Charlee’s almost naked body in all its glory with nothing but a low black lace bra and thong. “Fuck,” I said, unable to help myself.

And then she turned around.
