Page 69 of And So, We Dance

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With one hand reached around my waist, fondling my breast, and the other making its way up my leg, taking the material of my dress with it, coupled with the feel of Lucas’s tongue tangling with mine. . .there was almost too much sensation.

As if that could be a thing.

I just didn’t know where to concentrate. It was like an all-out assault, and I was here for it.

The instant his fingers found me, I was lost. Moaning as he pushed aside the material of my thong, I pressed into his fingers.

“Mmm,” I managed. “You are so good at that.”

His head pulled back enough to look at me, but his hand didn’t stop. Now his palm pressed and rubbed me as his fingers worked.

“It’s easy,” he said. “You make it easy. Those sounds in the back of your throat tell me what you like.”

I was pretty sure I made one of those sounds now. In response, Lucas continued to work my pussy while he rubbed my nipple between the fingers of his other hand.

“You like that, baby?”

“Mmhmm,” I said. “Yes. I do. Very much.”


As much as I enjoyed kissing him, watching Lucas while he fingered me was almost as pleasurable. In fact, the glint in his eyes, as if giving me pleasure truly gave him pleasure too. . .

“I’m gonna come,” I said, increasing the speed of my hip circles against his hand.

“Come for me, baby. Come on. Be a good girl and come for me.”

Oh, dear Lord.

“Come for me,” he said with even more authority, his voice deeper than ever. “Come for me, Charlee. Right. Now.”

It was a demand. One I couldn’t ignore. Didn’t want to ignore.

“Go ahead, let yourself go.”

I did.

Panting, calling his name, I did let myself go. Clenching around his fingers, looking into Lucas’s eyes, I gave myself over to him. My body came alive like it never had before.

“That’s a good girl.”

I’d had no idea what a turn-on that could be. Even more of a turn-on? Lucas was currently unbuckling his pants. I watched, fascinated, as if I’d never seen him before. I continued to watch as he sprang himself free.

Then he reached for me. “Come straddle me, baby.”

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

I did as he said.

We locked eyes, the obvious question between us.

“I’m on birth control.”

No words were exchanged, but he held himself with one hand, my hip with the other. I wanted this. Wanted him.
