Page 58 of And So, We Dance

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We needed to talk.

As soon as Gian’s tattoo was done, I would message her about going out tonight.



“Your father looks like he’s about to kill you,” Zoe said as we sat.

“Probably because he is about to kill me,” I whispered. Typically, I ran this meeting, my father attending only periodically. But he had some announcements to make, apparently, which left me off the hook.

He’d been about to grill me about Lucas when the current VP called him over. He wasn’t typically at these meetings, either, so I did wonder what was going on. I’d asked my father for the agenda yesterday, but he’d said, “I got this.” He told me not to worry about it, so I let it slide even though I had at least two items to address.

“Does it have anything to do with the fact that you’re wearing jeans?”

He was a stickler for a lot of things, but I was pretty sure me wearing jeans and the blazer I’d run to my office to grab weren’t high on his list. But seeing me get out of Lucas’s truck? That had been a stroke of bad luck, although Lucas was likely thrilled. The more I thought about it, the more upset I became at the idea of him “testing” me this way. He must be gloating right about now to have run into the one person he thought still had the power to pull us apart.

Which was ridiculous. I was a grown-ass woman.

“Sort of,” I whispered as everyone sat and settled in. There were probably twelve people around the table, all either managers or assistant managers of their respective properties. “I stayed at Lucas’s place last night.”

Zoe’s eyes bulged. “You did what? I thought he had a “no sex” stipulation to the whole warped deal you made with him.”

“He did.”

“So. . .”

“Details later. Suffice it is to say for now. . .” I exhaled hard. “Getting over him is going to be more difficult this time than last.”

“Getting over him?”

The meeting was going to start soon. “Yeah. I’ve been thinking about it, and you’re right. His whole proposal is. . . crap.”


“Plus, it already worked, so he should be happy,” I said, not bothering to keep the bitterness from my voice.

“What d’you mean?”

My father, sitting at the head of the table, looked exactly as he always had in this role. Polished. Prepared. Made to be a businessman and president of the largest resort property group on the Finger Lakes.

“I mean, my father was standing right there when Lucas dropped me off.”

“Oh boy.”

“Yeah. I woke up late and didn’t have time to go home.”

“Hence the jeans.”


“Good morning, folks,” my father said to the group. “How’s everyone doing on this fine Tuesday?”

I’d give him one thing—Dad knew how to work a crowd. He’d brought cinnamon donuts from Devine Coffee House, everyone’s favorite, with coffee and tea too. Murmurs of “good” and such made their way across the room as he jumped right into business.

“As you can see, I have a special guest here today for his big announcement. Cameron, you’ve got the stage.”

“Did you know he was going to announce Cameron’s leaving today?” Zoe asked.
