Page 52 of And So, We Dance

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This wasn’t just any woman. It was Charlee Donovan in my bed, and the simple fact was. I desired her, wanted her, probably still loved her.

But I did not trust her.



“Lucas,” I began, not even knowing what I planned to say.

He slid off the bed, running his hands through his hair. The muscles of his biceps bulged even through his long-sleeve shirt. Since his back was to me, I had no idea what he was thinking. Sitting up, I tried to unscramble my thoughts too.

Hard to do when you’d just had the best orgasm of your life.

Lucas’s technique, coupled with him taking control, coupled with the fact that it was, in fact, Lucas between my legs? I’d never, ever experienced anything like it and was pretty certain I never would again.

But something was wrong.

“What is it?”

He turned to me, his face looking almost as if it were in pain. One quick glance down gave me the answer. It didn’t matter that Lucas wore jeans. He was obviously about to burst through them.

I stated the obvious. “There’s nothing stopping us, really, from having sex.”

I wanted that. Wanted to know him completely.

“Except there is. Once we go down that path—”

“It’ll be difficult to come back. I get it.”

His gaze held mine. This off-the-charts chemistry between us, this bond that both of us had already known was there, even though we weren’t much more than kids back when we dated. . . yeah, I got it. And was all in.

Lucas, however, was not.

“What is it going to take for you to see I’m not that seventeen-year-old girl anymore, Lucas?”

His eyes swept from my face downward to where I had come apart from his tongue just a few minutes ago. Looking back up, he said, “I am clearly aware of that fact, Charlee.”

“Okay, so what’s the problem? Why are we playing these games? Pretending to be together, testing my father, which we haven’t even attempted to do yet, so I’m not even sure of the point of all this. Let’s just make it the real deal. He’ll know soon enough either way, and then you’ll see how little his thoughts about us matter to me.”

For a second I thought he’d agree with me, but instead he let out a deep breath, clenched his jaw and looked down to where his jeans bulged. He shook his head, about to say something, but he didn’t have a chance.

I crawled across the bed to him.

“Charlee,” Lucas began, as if it were a warning.

I didn’t take it.

When I was at the edge of the bed, I swung my legs around and let them drape off the side, not bothering to hide the fact that I wore nothing on my bottom, including underwear. Sitting there, I put the nail in the coffin.

“Let me get you off too.”

“Dear Lord,” he muttered under his breath. Then suddenly, Lucas’s entire demeanor shifted. From reluctant lover to the man who called me his “good girl,” he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans in record time. Standing in front of me, he pushed them down, underwear included, and took himself in his hand.

“You wanna get me off?” he asked as if he doubted my words.

I nodded as he stroked himself. I wished I could see the veins in his arms or at least his arm ink, but both were all covered up.

Just at the perfect height to take him into my mouth, just like I remembered, when Lucas first guided his dick into me, I started sucking gently. Wanting to please him. Licking and swirling with my tongue, relishing the sounds he made. After a second, Lucas removed his hand, and I took its place with my own.
