Page 43 of And So, We Dance

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“Just enough for you to feel the strength of my hold over you.” He squeezed, ever so gently still. “Just enough for you to know who’s in charge.”

I licked my lips.

“And what do you think of that, Charlee? What do you think about the fact that, when we do find ourselves in a more private place, I’m going to guide you just like this until your knees hit the ground in front of me?”

The scenario ran through her mind.

“Maybe we could start with. . . a kiss?” I asked.

“Don’t you worry about that, baby. I will kiss you so thoroughly, you won’t even remember that rich dad of yours.” He brushed my cheeks with his knuckles. “Who’s my good girl?”

“I am,” I mused, trying it out. Testing the waters.

“Yes, you are, Charlee.” He took my glass and his and put them on the ground next to us. “A good girl, indeed.”



If someone offered me a million dollars to predict how this afternoon would have gone, even after Lucas said he’d be coming for me, I would not be a millionaire. Not by any stretch.

“Lucas,” I said, almost as if it were a warning.

“Yes, Charlee?” He took a step toward me.

“I. . . this wasn’t you at all in high school.”

“No,” he agreed. “It wasn’t.”

“You’ve changed.”

His hand moved so quickly, I didn’t see it coming. I hardly had a chance to react as it reached behind my neck, pulling me toward him.

So many sensations at once.

His lips crashing onto mine.

His fingers winding through the hair at my neck, the firm grip of his hand driving our kiss.

His body pressed against mine, something I’d wanted since seeing him in that bar the first night. No, well before that. I had wanted this for years. Lucas’s kiss was the only one that dredged up phrases that should be relegated to a romance novel.

Breathless. All-consuming. Knees weak. They weren’t just words with the right person, and for me, Lucas had always been that person. I’d fucked it up royally and wasn’t sure if we’d have a second chance.

This was it. The second chance. And I meant to make it count.

Responding to the thrust of his tongue with one of my own, I wrapped my arms around him, not so much clutching the material of his shirt as holding on for dear life. His lips moved over mine as relentlessly as he’d hinted they might every time we’d been together.

As his mouth opened even wider, slanting over mine, giving no quarter, I responded but begged without words for more. A low groan that seemed to come from deep within him made me want to get even closer, if such a thing were possible.

Who’s my good girl?

That had never been a fantasy of mine, but in this moment, I had no doubt I wanted to be a good girl for him. To let Lucas take charge. If only to be able to kiss him like this.

By the time we heard the sounds, it was much too late for decorum. Lucas pulled away just as another couple rounded the corner, walking away from us but still within view. Reminding us we weren’t completely alone.

His hand was still around my neck, though his grip wasn’t as firm as before. I had no problem moving my head now.

“Spanish eyes,” he said. “Brown, but nonetheless. . .”
