Page 19 of And So, We Dance

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He said it in a way that made me feel like I’d done something wrong.

“I am,” I said, without turning around. When the bartender slid his bourbon toward him, tossing his credit card on the bar, Lucas said, “Keep it open,” and then took the drink.

He was so damn close I could feel his breath as he stood back up.

I couldn’t turn around. My face would be right next to his. Essentially, he had me trapped.

“Thought you were a rum girl?”

I swallowed. Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

This guy.

I’d told Natalie he had an edge now, which he did. Problem was, I was beginning to think that edge was too sharp for me.

“That was a long time ago.”

“Mmmm, you’re right. Ten years to be exact.”

“You did say you changed.”

I had to turn around. Fuck it. Let him move back. So I did, and sure enough, Lucas was literally inches away from my face. With the bar at my back and a person sitting on a bar stool to my right, I had nowhere to go. Thankfully he was turned to the person next to him and didn’t appear to be paying us any attention, and the bartender had moved on.

“You can back up now,” I said, my drink still on the bar with my fingers wrapped around it in a death grip.

“Can I?”

He didn’t.

“What game are you playing here?” I asked.

Inches. Our faces were inches apart. To anyone watching, we would look extremely intimate. But I knew better. Lucas was trying to intimidate me.

And it was working.

“No game. Just figured if you want to talk, to get reacquainted. . . maybe I’d give it a shot.”

“Oh really? Now, all of a sudden, you want to talk? Honestly, it feels like a game to me.”

His brows went up, but his expression stayed neutral. I couldn’t read him at all.

“If it is a game,” he said, just loud enough for me to hear, “I feel obligated to tell you that I always come out on top, so. . . there’s that.”

“On top,” I managed. Sigh. The visual of that.

“Yes, Charlee. On top. I play to win. Always.”

Every word was enunciated. And Lucas meant each one.

I shivered.

“Cold?” he asked, this time looking down at my breasts without hiding his gaze. Something had shifted with him, obviously, though I wasn’t sure why. Maybe he sensed I’d had enough. That I wouldn’t be pursuing him anymore. That he’d pushed me too far?

“Yes,” I lied.

“Mmm.” That sound again.

