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And I had no fucking clue if he knew that she was pregnant.

“Okay, whatever you say. I’m just glad you finally got the balls to tell her how you were feeling. How’d she react?”

I bit the inside of my cheek, replaying the excitement and love in her eyes. “She took it very well. I’d say that we made the most of the moment.”

Best fucking sex ever.

“Gross, don’t wanna know about your office sex, bro.” Owen visibly shuddered at my comment. Then he straightened up, his demeanor shifting. “If it went so well, why are you here looking like you just escaped a bad car accident? You look like a fucking wreck, man.”

“That’s because I am one,” I leveled with him, just as footsteps sounded from the hallway behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see Katie appearing in the living room, an irritated look on her face.

“You seriously have the worst timing,” Katie groaned, her shoulder slumping as she darted past me. I didn’t miss the glare that she shot Owen, and I nearly said something, feeling the need to come to his defense…

“It’s not his fault that I’m an asshole,” Owen said to her as she grabbed her coat and purse from the rack by the door. “I should’ve told you what was going on, and that’s my fault.”

My eyes widened. Uh oh.

“Yeah, but that’s not the point. The point is that I don’t know why you have to keep things from me in the first place. We’re best friends.”

No, I’m his best friend, Katie.

I kept my thoughts to myself as the tension rose in the room, and my eyes fell to my smartwatch, checking the time. I was infuriated still, though my curiosity about these two was a good distraction. However, the premiere was in a few hours—and I needed to make up my mind on whether or not I was going with Olivia, going solo, or playing hooky.

And the latter was my current plan.

“Look, Katie, even he doesn’t know.” Owen’s words caught my attention and I whipped my head toward him.

I narrowed my eyes at the two of them standing there. “Know what?”

Both looked in my direction. “Nothing,” they said simultaneously.

“He should know though!” Katie snapped. “He deserves to know what the hell is going on. I don’t know why everyone thinks it’s okay to keep secrets about everything!”

“It’s not my place to tell him!” Owen fired off.

I shifted my weight back onto my heels, the scene becoming awkward as fuck. “Uh, I’m not sure what this is about, but I need to go.”

“No!” Katie shot at me, and I cringed backward. “You can just go back to your conversation. I’m going to my book club meeting, and then”—she turned to Owen—“you and I are going to have a chat about this.”

Owen’s face fell in defeat. “I understand. I’m sorry, Katie.”

Her face softened slightly as she peered up at him, and then she planted a kiss on his lips. “It’s okay, I forgive you—but I’m still mad about it.”

“Fair enough,” Owen sighed, smoothing out his blonde hair. “I’ll see you tonight.”

With that, Katie left the apartment, the door shutting slowly and quietly behind her. Owen and I stood there staring at each other afterward, both of us unsure how to move forward from the moment. I had never seen him fight with Katie. In fact, they always seemed on top of the world.

“Sorry you had to see that,” Owen mumbled, locking the front door and heading to the couch. He plopped down on it, his hands running over his face. “Relationships can be so fucking hard, and women are so complicated.”

Tell me about it.

“What was the issue with her though?” I didn’t sit down, still feeling anxious about the ultrasound picture burning a hole in my pocket. The news had been more than overwhelming, but the truth was…

I was excited about the baby.

And I might’ve been ecstatic about having one with Olivia had she not kept it a fucking secret from me. The moment I thought about that, anger made me see red. It was just wrong of her to do that.

“I think we should focus on why you’re standing in my living room looking pissed as hell.” Owen took an audible deep breath before leaning his head back. “And I already have a few—”
