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“Please don’t go.” I didn’t care that I was begging him. I couldn’t stand the idea of him leaving like this. “Please.”

“Maybe you should’ve thought of this kind of reaction when you decided to keep this a fucking secret.” He glared at me before storming out of the office.

“What about the premiere?” I called after him, my voice breaking as the tears poured down my cheeks.

“You can take yourself, just like you planned to raise our baby all on your own.” He gave me one last shake of his head before slamming the office door shut behind him.

I stood there frozen, tears running down my cheeks. I had royally fucked up, and no matter what my reasoning had been, it wasn’t good enough as my heart shattered into a million pieces. Eli had admitted his love, and it would be more than fair if he wanted to take every word back and tell me to fuck off.

That’s what I would do.

I swallowed as my head fell to my hands, and the sobs exploded from my chest in the most obnoxious way. I sounded snotty as I tried to breathe, collapsing back into my desk chair as I wiped at my eyes. I deserved every bit of his anger, but it was the heartbreak on his face that did me in.

As I calmed myself down, I dug my phone out of my bag, desperation filling my chest. I went right to Eli’s number, hitting the call button.

Please answer, please.

It was declined immediately.


I scrolled to my contact list and my finger hovered over Owen’s number, thinking of spilling it all to my brother. There was a chance that he could maybe come to my defense and help me out with talking some sense into Eli, but then again…

He had been on me to tell him all along.

The last thing I wanted to hear was an I told you so.

“Fuck.” I sniffled for a few moments longer, finally deciding to reach out to the only ally who knew the whole story—and might not hit me with those painful four words.

“Hey, everything okay?” Zena answered, the sound of her husband’s voice muffled in the background.

“Um.” I let out a ragged breath. “Not really if we’re being honest.”

“Oh no…” The concern in her voice was audible. “What happened? I only left the office like an hour ago.”

“Yeah, I’m actually still here.” I glanced around the empty place, and as much I really needed to get home and start getting ready for the evening, I couldn’t bring myself to budge.


“Um, Eli hadn’t left yet, and we talked…”

“Oh boy, and?”

“And he admitted that he does love me.”

There was a moment of silence. “Then why don’t you sound happy? Is it because you haven’t decided whether or not you wanna stay in NYC?”

“No…no that’s not it at all. He…we, you know…” I stumbled over my words. “Did the deed.”

“You mean you had sex,” Zena laughed. “Don’t be weird about it.”

“Right, yeah, anyway.” I cleared my throat. “Afterward, he found the picture of the ultrasound—and put two and two together.”

She gasped. “Oh, he did not.”

“Yeah. Yeah, he did.”

“Oh my god…”
