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He took a deep breath and ran his fingers over his head, tousling his dark hair. “Listen, Olivia, I took off that morning because I was fucking mortified by what I had done. You’d called things off between us, and it was driving me crazy.”

“I guess my sex is just that good,” I mumbled, my eyes hardly able to meet Eli’s. I could only hold his intense gaze for a second before I had to look away.

“I left your place, got coffee, and was headed back, but when I got to the lobby, Zena was already there.”

“She walks with me to work in the mornings.” My tone was uneven as I spoke, the emotion in Eli’s face starting to emerge.

Oh my god…

“I meant what I said that night, Olivia. I do love you—I think I’m in love with you. I don’t know shit about all of this kind of stuff. I’ve never had a relationship that was anything more than a label for a couple of months. There’s never been…feelings.”

I could hardly process what I was hearing from him, my mouth dropping open slightly as I finally held his gaze. “You…you love me?”

“Uh, yeah. That wasn’t quite the response that I thought I was going to get from you, but um, yeah. I love you. I don’t know what that means for us as a couple, but I can’t even entertain the idea of anyone other than you. My playboy days are over. I just want you.” The thickness in his voice was squeezing at my heart, though the shock was still just as strong.

“I…” My voice trailed off as we stood there in silence, the tension settling between us. “I love you too.”

And we’re having a baby.



I smiled. I fucking grinned. It was like the whole world was suddenly right, and I was terrified in the best way. I had no idea if Olivia would still be leaving or not, but I couldn’t stop myself…

“I probably should tell you—”

I cut her off with my lips on hers, tasting a hint of strawberry lemonade. Fuck. She moaned, sucking my tongue into her mouth. I ate it up, my body pressing against her as my arms wrapped around her waist. Her body was soft beneath the satin material of her dark purple blouse. My fingers tugged it out from her black twill pants.

“Oh,” she panted as my hands slid her shirt over her head, breaking our kiss. “Are you sure you want to do this here?”

“No one is here, and they won’t be. I don’t even fucking care if they are,” I growled, taking in the sight of her plump breasts and swollen lips. She was the epitome of beauty, and no one was going to stop me from showing her how much I loved her.

Her lips tugged up into a smile. “Then come get me.”

My heart beat in double time at her words. “Fuck, baby.” I grabbed her exposed torso, my fingertips exploring her curves. My hand ran up over the white lace on her bra, squeezing her perfect tits through the material. She let out a satisfied breath as her lips returned to mine, our kisses hot, heavy, and just fucking desperate.

I quickly unsnapped the back of her bra as she helped me shrug out of my suit jacket. Olivia discarded it off to the side somewhere as she went for my belt buckle and her tits dropped free for me to see. She was faster than I expected, dropping my pants and boxer briefs, my erection bouncing out.

“I missed this,” she purred, running her tongue around the tip of my throbbing cock, her blue eyes gazing up to meet mine. My body trembled with satisfaction and need as she took me into her hot mouth, sucking and playing with me as she latched onto my balls.

“Oh fuck,” I growled as she worked up and down my length, letting me bump into the back of her throat. “Just like that.” My fingers twisted into her light-blonde locks, keeping her hair out of her face as she picked up her pace. There was no way that I was going to last at this rate.

With one hand squeezing my balls and the other aiding her mouth, my cock slid easily in and out, her saliva the perfect lubrication. I watched her work, her breasts bouncing as she sucked my dick with vigor, her nipples erect.

I was dying to touch them, caress them, and just fucking taste them. My cock pulsed as I neared climax, my breaths deepening as she pumped me. I shut my eyes just as I reached the edge.

“You’re gonna cum for me, aren’t you?” Olivia purred between sucks, and that sultry voice of hers was the final blow.

A deep, erotic groan erupted from my throat as my cock exploded in her mouth. I came hard and fast, and like the good fucking girl she was, Olivia swallowed every ounce of my release. I loosened my grip afterward, and she looked up at me and smiled.

“Can you go again?”

“Can I?” I growled, reaching down and grabbing her by the elbows. I lifted her to her feet, kissing her mouth, unbothered by the salty hint of me. Unbuttoning her pants, I shimmied them down her round hips, exposing the white lace beneath it. “Jesus, Olivia, you’re incredible.”

I slid her underwear down, her naked body on full display before me. Her pussy was glistening under the soft, warm lights in the office, and I licked my lips, already hungry to snack on her pussy. She stepped out of her clothes, kicking off her heels.

“You’re always wet for me.” I pressed her ass against the desk and dropped to my knees. I spread her legs, giving myself my favorite view. I ran my fingertip along her slit, reveling in the moisture pooling there.
