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“Ohhh-kay,” Owen stepped in, shooing the women off. “I think it’s better if we just tell you fine women goodbye and head home for the evening.”

They gave us amused and somewhat judgmental looks before spinning on their stilettos and taking off back to the dance floor. I watched them leave, realizing they wore matching black dresses and red heels.

They must be best friends…

Like Zena and Olivia.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Owen swatted my arm. “How many of those have you had?”

“Clearly you’re not keeping count like usual,” I chuckled, taking a clumsy seat on the barstool. “Those women were nice.”

“Yeah, I guess.” He shook his head. “What’s going on with you, Eli? You’re acting like you just broke up with your girlfriend or something—but not like you did, like some other version of you did—one with a heart.”

“Ha ha,” I retorted, sipping on a new drink. “I don’t know why you act like I never had a heart. I’m not the fucking grinch.”

“You might as well be lately. You’ve always been carefree and have rolled with the punches. I don’t know what the hell this is.” He gave me a weird look. “I think you’re hung up on someone.”

My jaw tensed. “Don’t prod.” I ignored him rolling his eyes at me and pulled my phone out of my pocket, just to see if she had texted me.

She hadn’t.

Olivia never did.

Fuck this. I’ll just text her.

Clumsily, my fingers typed out a text in the thread with her name, and I hit the send button before I could change my mind—not that my mind was working.

Why do you never talk to me anymore?

“Who are you texting?” Owen asked, breaking into my thoughts. “I think it’s time for me to just take you home.”

“No, I’m fine.” I held a hand up as if it would silence my overbearing best friend. “You’re just worried for nothing. It’s just work.”

“You’re drunk, Eli,” he snapped. “You’re seriously wasted, and we’ve only been here thirty minutes. This is insane. Tell me what the hell is going on.”

“Nothing. Is. Going. On.” My eyes went back to my texts, and sure enough, Olivia had replied.

I talk to you whenever you talk to me.

“Sly woman,” I muttered under my breath, quickly typing back a reply to her.

What’re you doing right now?

I gritted my teeth as I felt Owen’s eyes boring into me. “What?” I threw my hands up at him. “Like, what the hell is wrong with you? You’re acting weird too.”

He shook his head. “No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.”

“No.” He folded his arms over his chest.

I mimicked him, but not before downing the rest of my drink. “Yes.”

“You’re acting like a child.”

“Bite me,” I slurred, rolling my eyes and going back to my phone.

I’m just at home packing.
