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“What’re you doing?” I squeaked as he made his way toward me.

“What does it look like I’m doing? I just watched that guy fucking drool all over you, and I didn’t like it.”

I raised an eyebrow in response, unable to hide my surprise. “Last I checked, you were acting like I don’t exist for any reason other than just to irritate you.” My voice wavered as he came closer, the woodsy, masculine scent of his cologne intoxicating. It brought back memories of the two of us intertwined and tangled up in my bedsheets.

Ugh, push it away. Be strong.

But as his fingertips brushed some of my hair from my face, I couldn’t ignore the stutter of my heart or the way the moisture was already pooling between my legs. I wanted him. And by the way his ocean-blue eyes clung to mine, I could tell he wanted me too.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” I mumbled, though my words were empty.

“Then tell me no, Olivia.”

I swallowed hard, his lips only inches from mine. “I...I don’t want to.” My eyes searched his, knowing that I was putting myself at risk all over again. I knew there was more than just sexual attraction on my side, and here I was...unable to walk away from the opportunity of ecstasy.

“So then tell me you want me,” he murmured, his hand lingering on the side of my face. “I won’t—”

“I want you,” I cut him off, the words barely leaving my mouth before he kissed me. I let out a moan as his tongue dove between my parted lips, instantly beginning to dance with mine. His hand cupped the back of my head, holding me firmly in the kiss as his other hand slid around my waist. His erection pressed into my lower stomach and I rubbed my body against it, loving the way his breath hitched in response.

As our hungry, passionate kiss continued, I let my own fingertips go rampant, running along the thin material of Eli’s dress shirt. I tugged it from where it was tucked into his suit pants, and then fumbled with his belt. My mouth salivated at the thought of taking him into my mouth, giving him the same pleasure that I had in the elevator.

Eli didn’t stop me as I undid his pants, releasing his bound cock from his boxer briefs. I broke my lips from his before dropping to my knees, though I held his eyes the entire time I lowered to the floor. His lips stayed slightly parted as I opened my mouth, slowly leaning toward the head of his dick, which was glistening with precum.

I cleaned it off with my tongue and he let out a sharp breath, his fingers instantly threading through my hair to hold it from my face. I sucked him into my mouth, the soft skin brushing against my moist lips. Groans escaped from his lips as I worked back and forth, eventually letting his thick shaft slip down the back of my throat. My nose brushed his lower abdomen and his fists tightened in my hair.

“Fuck, Olivia. You’re so good.” He began to thrust his hips gently, holding me in place on my knees. I let him use my mouth, enjoying the way his breath hitched with every motion. My hands rested on his upper thighs, bracing myself against his taut quads. I was certain there wasn’t an ounce of softness on the man’s body...

And it was such a turn-on.

Eli then pulled my head back, his dripping cock free from my hot mouth. “I want to taste you, Olivia.”

My panties filled with more moisture at the lust in his words and he pulled me to my feet before leaning down to kiss me again. He swept my tongue with his as he jerked my skirt up and around my hips. I let out a moan as his fingertips brushed my bare skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps. Eli’s grip tightened just beneath my ass and he lifted me, carrying me to his desk.

The sound of items crashing to the floor filled the office, but I hardly noticed as Eli continued to ravage my mouth, our kiss still hot and desperate. His newly freed hands ran along the tops of my thighs, not stopping until he dove them inward, brushing against my wet underwear.

He pulled his mouth from mine, letting out a satisfied sigh. “You’re so wet for me, Olivia.”

Instead of saying anything, I grabbed his hand, forcing his fingers beneath the black satiny material. He chuckled darkly just before kissing along my jaw. Eli’s lips made their way to the nape of my neck as his fingers slid into my slit and he slipped one inside of me. My body exploded with satisfaction, the ache deep inside my pussy getting some much needed relief. I gripped Eli’s shoulders as I rocked my hips back and forth, matching the movements of his hand. However, it was short-lived, as his hand pulled from between my legs.

Eli leaned away from me, his eyes sparkling as he slowly dropped to his knees, mimicking the same motion that I had done. Excitement pulsed through my body as he licked his lips, his focus suddenly right on my pussy.

“Oh my god.” I bit my lip as he sucked my clit into his mouth. Aroused breaths slipped from my throat as I tried to be quiet, squirming against him as his tongue gyrated in all the right ways. I leaned back on my palms, my eye catching a familiar stack of scripts...

My scripts.

However, the realization was quickly drowned out by the heat building in my pussy, already begging to explode with an orgasm. My eyes closed and my muscles clenched just as the ecstasy rolled through my body, a cry escaping my lips.

“Eli,” I moaned, my legs trembling as my pussy pulsed down on his tongue. I let out a sharp breath as he lapped up the moisture still oozing from my body. My eyes fluttered open as his face lifted from between my legs, and he paused to wipe the moisture from his lips.

“I just wanna fuck you, Olivia,” he growled, his cock brushing my entrance as he dug into his pocket. He pulled out a condom and tore it open, and I could hardly hold back my excitement as he stretched it over his thick cock, making me wonder for a split second if he was straining the latex too much.

He looked up at me, our eyes locking. “How wet are you for me?” His voice dripped with lust as he ran the head through my wet folds.

“I’m so wet for you,” I whined, scooting closer to the edge of the desk. “Just fuck me, Eli.”

He chuckled, leaning in to give me a light kiss just as he pressed into me. “Fuck, you are so tight, Olivia,” he groaned, his dick filling me so fully I braced against the surface of the desk.

I bit my lip, holding his gaze as his grip tightened on my hips. “Fuck me so hard, Eli.” The words came out in a pant, and his lips pulled upward in a wicked grin. He reared back before slamming his hips into mine.
