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“Oh, now you have to spill,” I urged, reaching across the table and putting my hand on her arm. “You can’t just give me a hint of the drama and not tell me!”

She looked up, laughing a little. “I don’t think you’re going to like my answer.”

I froze, my brow furrowing. “Why?”

Zena paused, her hazel eyes bouncing between mine. “Because it’s you.”

My heart jumped to my throat. “Wait, what? Me?”

She laughed. “Yeah, you’re literally the only woman I’ve ever seen Eli just straight-up stare at. I swear every time you walk into a room, he looks at you—and then the way he treats you is so different. There’s no humor at all, and I think it’s because he’s seriously attracted to you.”

“Wow.” I couldn’t hide my shock.

“It might just be in my head though,” Zena said quickly, a hue of red hitting her cheeks. “I’m a people watcher and totally a romantic, so I’m always looking into things like that.”

I forced out a laugh, though I felt like I might choke. “Who knows.”

“For sure,” she said before glancing down at her watch. “Ugh, I have to go. I promised my husband I would be home before ten so we can watch a movie. I’ll see you Monday though,” she added, sliding off the barstool. “We have to do this more often. You’re awesome.”

“For sure,” I said to her. “I’ll see you Monday.” My gaze followed her as she exited the bar, leaving me there alone. Zena was really amazing, but as much as I felt like we could be really great friends, she also worked at Whiss Productions—which meant I could get in serious trouble if I told her what had happened between Eli and me.

Which really sucked.

I was dying to tell someone. I needed some advice about how to handle the entire situation. I had never been in some sort of weird hate-sex relationship. I didn’t really date, and when I did...

Well, it was serious.

I swallowed the brief heartache that came with that thought, shoving the past out of my mind. Taking a deep breath, I sat some cash on the table to cover the tab and tip before heading outside to catch a cab back to my apartment. I probably could’ve just walked home, but there was something about New York City at night that still left me unsettled. The cool air of the city hit me as I pushed out of the bar doors, the sidewalk more crowded than I’d expected.


New York City problems.

I made my way through the young people gathered outside of the bar, waving down a cab—well, trying to, anyway.


My heart stopped. I spun around, meeting ocean-blue eyes. “Hey, Eli,” I choked out, startled to see him in casual clothes.

Why does he always look so good?

“What’re you doing out?” he asked, his eyes raking down my tight black sweater and light-wash jeans. “Owen said you were rage cleaning.”

“Rage cleaning?” I echoed him, rolling my eyes. “I, uh, did that earlier. I actually just met a friend for drinks. I’m fixing to head home.”

“Has your friend already gone home?” I could hear the curiosity in his voice, and his eyes were full of what looked to be hope as he took a step toward me.

“Yeah, she has,” I answered, noting the relief in his face.

Is he jealous?

“Do you mind if I make sure you get home safe? I know how your brother is,” he added, shrugging his broad muscular shoulders. “He’d kill me if I didn’t.”

And if he knew what we’d done.

“Um, I guess so,” I said. “I don’t live far. We can just walk?”

“Sure, if that’s what you wanna do.” He fell in step beside me as we headed south toward my apartment. “So you’re making friends in the city?”
