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“I don’t want to work for your egotistical, player of a best friend, Owen!” I shook my head at my brother, my blonde waves bouncing against my shoulders. “I’d rather live in a cardboard box in Hunts Point.”

“Listen, I get it—but you don’t even know Eli. You gotta just give him a chance, Olivia. He’s not that bad.”


“Come on.” Owen nudged my side, giving me a smile. “He owns the biggest media production company in NYC. This is the perfect break for you after what happened out in LA.”

“You mean being kicked off a movie that I wrote.”

His cheeky expression faded. “Just give Eli a chance. He’s not connected to those bozos out there in Los Angeles. He can give you the fresh start you need—and you definitely need a fresh start.”

“Because my big brother is his best friend.” My voice dropped as my heels clicked against the New York City pavement. I was no stranger to the Big Apple, but I hadn’t ever intended to come back after college...

And definitely not on the coattails of Eli Whiss, the magnificent billionaire playboy of NYC.

“He would’ve hired you regardless.”

“Without even interviewing me—or meeting me at all?” I raised an eyebrow at Owen, whose blue eyes mirrored those of my own. We looked very similar—both blond headed, fair skinned, and light eyed...

But Owen towered a solid foot taller than my five-foot-four self.

“He’s my best friend, and yeah, was it kind of a favor?” He paused, giving me a shrug. “Maybe, but just take it, Olivia. He’s been wanting to meet you for years. You were always just too busy chasing your dreams in Los Angeles.”

Right, because somehow it’s on me.

We stopped just outside of the towering skyscraper, and I gazed upward, my stomach flipping as I thought of the man I’d soon be calling boss. Owen had met Eli through some mutual friends after college, and they’d been thick as thieves for nearly six years now—but not once had Eli Whiss had time to meet me.

“Seventeenth floor,” Owen said, giving me a gentle push toward the revolving door. “Go do the thing, you nearly famous screenwriter, you.”

Nearly famous.

I let out a sigh and gave my brother a small wave, though he had already spun on his heels and headed back down the street.

I can do this.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed through the revolving door. My eyes were on my black five-inch heels, trying to prevent myself from tripping like the klutz I was. However, as I took a step forward and looked up...

“What the hell!” a deep voice shouted, startling me backwards.

My jaw dropped at the sight of a fresh dark stain across a light-blue dress shirt, eye level with me, the liquid cascading down to a pair of light-gray pants. “Oh my god, I am so sorry.” I instantly reached out, using my sleeve to catch the coffee from dripping down even further.

“What the fuck are you doing?” the voice boomed, and the realization that I had totally just been wiping my sleeve across this man’s crotch left me frozen. My gaze flickered up, meeting two ocean-blue eyes laced with irritation—and equal shock.

I laughed awkwardly. “Well, uh, a stain is a stain, no matter where it’s at, right? Just trying to do my part, for your parts.”

His eyes went even wider—if that was possible. “Will you just move your hand?”

“Yep, I will do that, right now,” I choked out, jerking my soiled sleeve from his crotch, standing back up straight. We stood there, staring at each other for a few long moments, me ferociously chewing on the inside of my cheek.

And then his face shifted. “Olivia?” His dark brows furrowed as a few drops of coffee fell to the floor between us.

My jaw dropped.

Oh my god.
