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When Nicolas and I first met, I couldn't stop staring at his chiseled jawline. It looked exactly like a sculptor had carefully chipped away splinters of marble until the perfect work of art was left behind. I wanted to kiss and lick the rugged edge and then run my finger along the margin as the first leg of a trip down to his furry chest and hard abs.

Next, I noticed Nicolas' eyes. The deep cerulean blue color was one that I'd rarely seen in nature. It matched the unique color of the water in the Gulf of Mexico on a sunny day offshore from the Florida Keys or Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. Nicolas noticed my gaze instantly. I didn't know we were destined to be together that first night that we met. I only knew that I longed to find out so much more about him.

My Master keeps his head shaved bald. He claimed that he'd still have a full head of hair if he chose to grow it out, but he preferred the slick, smooth look. The choice allowed him to avoid endless efforts to care for and style hair in a timely, up-to-date fashion. I loved the warm elasticity I felt when my fingers worked their way across the surface of Nicolas' scalp. I couldn't stop myself from rubbing, kissing, and tasting his handsome bald head.

Our relationship began with me as Nicolas' patron. I purchased a three-dimensional piece for $35,000, a comfortable sum for me. A significant portion of the proceeds went to charity. The purchase also carried with it a personal visit from Nicolas to install the work in my home gallery.

After he arrived, Nicolas labored in jeans and a tight-fitting t-shirt. By the time he left, we'd planned our first date. It didn't take much longer for me to land on my knees, giving my entire self to my Master.

When I say my entire self, I mean all of it. Before meeting Nicolas, I was only familiar with the concepts of dominance and submission in relationships through poorly written books and mediocre movies.

With real-life experience, I understood the power of ideas to draw people together in mutually beneficial partnerships. Nicolas had a hand in helping guide everything I did, from my duties when I first woke in the morning to what I wore and how I chose to organize charitable contributions. We reached an agreement that the relationship could be dissolved at any point after we made two attempts to resolve our issues through engaged discussion.

The new rules meant that we would not dissolve our relationship in the heat of one argument. Deep inside, I hoped one day to marry Nicolas and wear his collar—forever.

We didn't advertise the nature of our relationship to the general public. My mother, for one, would probably hit the ceiling at best and have a heart attack at worst. She would howl about the Rowley family's reputation, and I would risk a permanent split.

I've not entirely recovered from my father's death, even though it happened more than a decade ago. I couldn't contemplate the impact on my life of also losing my mother.

The only person I trusted with information about the true nature and depth of my relationship with Nicolas was my best friend, Cynthia Brookstein. She also hailed from a wealthy family background, and she implicitly understood the unique issues that fell on our shoulders as our birthright.

Cynthia warned me early on that Nicolas might be dangerous. She based her perception on the discovery of old photos of Nicolas dabbling in the leather bondage community. However, she was also the first to admit her mistake when he proved himself an honorable man in public.

My best friend became our staunchest ally. She peppered me with questions about the physical aspects of our relationship that related to bondage and discipline. Occasionally I dropped a minor detail as a tease, but most of the time, I only tossed a sly, knowing smile in her direction.

No previous relationship in my life came close to matching the physical ecstasy I experienced with Nicolas. Often, our scenes together moved me to tears, and I needed Nicolas to hold me until the intensity of the emotion subsided. I'd never felt closer to anyone in my life.

After our public coming out as a romantic couple at two local charity events, Nicolas strongly encouraged me to become more actively involved in our community. Since my father's death, I managed the contribution of Rowley family money to charitable causes, but I drew the line at regular participation on boards and committees. My natural inclination was to be shy, and I frequently felt awkward in the presence of crowds. My submissive personality effectively steered me away from the spotlight.

Nicolas used his leverage as my Master to push me past my self-imposed boundaries. The first test came when I received a call from Steven Elko. He was a good friend from private school days who became one of our local city council members. Steven invited me to participate in a meeting of community leaders to address the issue of growing violence in our city.

The planned meeting included individuals representing political, philanthropical, business, religious, and non-profit interests in the community. Steven scheduled for the evening following my return from the oceanfront vacation with Nicolas. He strongly urged me to take part, and I told Steven I would be there.

Nicolas and I spent the night together at my house when we returned home, and he woke early to drive downtown to his studio. When he got up early, that meant I got up earlier. I prepared coffee and breakfast for the two of us.

I could hire my own private staff to accomplish the tasks, but Nicolas thought doing it myself would help keep my service ethic strong. Soon, it didn't feel like a chore. I enjoyed the quiet of the early morning and the sense of accomplishment kicking off my day.

With coffee brewed and eggs, ham and cheese prepped and ready to be placed in a skillet to construct a breakfast omelet, I padded my way to the bedroom. I pulled back the sheets and crawled back into bed beside Nicolas. He grunted lightly when I ran my fingers down the center of his hairy chest, but his eyes didn't open.

I kissed a nipple. The sensation elicited the single word, "Ryan," as a response, but still no glimpse of his stunning blue eyes. My dive beneath the sheets to place my lips on Nicolas' stiffening cock head was required to bring him to full consciousness.

Nicolas tangled his fingers into my hair. He dragged my head up and down until he erupted into my throat. I eagerly gulped down my first protein of the day. My Master tasted himself on my tongue when we shared our first kiss of the morning.

After breakfast, Nicolas rushed out the door full of apologies and five last-minute kisses. I had most of the rest of the morning to myself. The meeting was at 2 p.m. I cleaned up the dishes and wiped the kitchen table clean before retiring to the bathroom for a self-assessment.

I wasn't out of shape, but my body had room to benefit from regular routines in the gym. Every night when I ran my fingers over Nicolas' hard abs, I vowed to start an exercise regimen. He ran three times a week and burned his way through a weight circuit at the gym on alternate days except for Sunday. Cynthia said I needed to join him before my belly began to sag.

Despite my lack of a craggy, sculptured jaw, many suggested I possessed charming qualities. Mostly, I saw ordinary sandy brown hair and dark brown eyes. Good work on my teeth left me with a dazzling white smile, but I had self-improvement work to do of my own to provide ongoing pleasure for my Master.

* * *

Steven's meeting was a success in multiple ways. Approximately twenty local leaders attended, and Steven planned the meeting well. It unfolded in a smooth, professional fashion. By the time ninety minutes elapsed, we'd formed three sub-committees and chose the leaders.

Everyone shared brief introductions, and we wrote an agenda for a follow-up meeting in two weeks. I volunteered to be on a promotional committee, and before I left, I informed Steven that he could count on my financial support for concrete operations in the future.

As the meeting wrapped up, excitement rose in the back of my throat. My next personal agenda item for the day was meeting Nicolas at his studio. I planned to hang out with him for the rest of the afternoon and then go to dinner together. I was eager to see if he'd begun work on any new projects and find out if he had any specific tasks for me. I climbed into my Audi and pulled out of the parking lot at city hall, humming to myself while trying to ignore my body's growing arousal.

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