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Ideflected the possibility of a significant conflict with Nicolas by agreeing to a play session with Taylor. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to be around Nicolas while he tied someone else up, but I knew that I didn’t want him doing it without me around.

In the past few weeks, I’d become a sponge for information on the relationships between dominants and submissives. I searched for and devoured any legitimate stories about how the roles worked and what problems could arise.

While it was not a rule, many relationships that incorporated BDSM involved more than just two people. I understood Nicolas’ reasoning that any physical involvement with Taylor was merely sexual play and that he viewed our relationship very differently. I fully understood his theory, but I wasn’t sure my heart and head were on the same page.

After another twenty-four hours passed, I asked Nicolas whether he spoke to Taylor. He said no. He told me there was not a rush. He said that he was not lusting after his apprentice, but he thought it would be an intriguing journey for all of us.

In the back of my mind, I hoped that Taylor would say no. I hoped that he would recoil against the entire concept. Perhaps he would even abandon the apprenticeship. Nicolas could easily find someone else to boost in the art world—maybe a woman instead.

I threw myself into my new committee and spent much of my evenings brainstorming promotional ideas. It was rewarding work. I was finally a part of the community and not only a source of cash behind the scenes. I found I had a natural affinity for work with others that I never understood in the past.

In college, many of my fellow students shied away from me, sensing they were somehow different from me as a person due to my well-heeled upbringing. It was great to finally feel fully human like everyone else.

The week passed uneventfully until Friday morning, when I received a call from Nicolas. He asked if we could talk before dinner. I steeled myself for news about Taylor.

Nicolas and I grew into a pattern of spending every Friday night together, but our typical scheme was to go to dinner as soon as I arrived at the studio. We’d spend the rest of the evening either having fun in the city or retiring to the studio for intimate fun. I didn’t remember any previous requests for a talk before dinner.

When I arrived at the studio, Taylor was already gone for the weekend. Nicolas greeted me at the door, and then he showed me part of his current project. It was a spiraling ramp constructed out of wood that swept upward to a peak maybe twelve feet off the floor. It was much larger than any of Nicolas’ work I’d seen in the past. Nicolas contemplated the structure while he rubbed his goatee with his right hand.

I asked, “Is this what we need to discuss?”

Nicolas didn’t respond immediately. He stepped forward and ran his fingers along a portion of the ramp, and then he turned to look at me. “Does it make sense?”

I met his gaze briefly and then glanced at the circular ramp. Finally, I returned my attention to Nicolas. I couldn’t think of any response more appropriate than a shrug. “I don’t know, Sir.”

The corners of Nicolas’ mouth turned up into a grin, and he laughed. “Thank you for the honesty, my boy.” He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around my waist. “And no, this was not the major topic of discussion. We need to talk about Taylor again.”

My teeth clenched. I was correct, and a stone dropped to the floor of my gut. “That’s what I expected.”

Nicolas grabbed two folding chairs and placed them in the center of the studio floor. He said, “Have a seat. I don’t want you kneeling for this conversation. This must be a one on one talk—eye to eye.”

My hand shook as I took the chair and lowered myself onto the seat. “Did you ask Taylor about a play session?”

Nicolas sat and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I did, and, to my surprise, he has some experience from his past.”

“So, maybe he wasn’t interested and already has his own play partners?” I tried not to sound overly hopeful.

Nicolas shook his head. “No, his response was almost exactly the opposite. He said that his play in the past was with inexperienced buddies. He’s looking forward to exploring with an accomplished dominant.”

I took two deep breaths before I could respond. “And does he know I’ll be there?”

Nicolas reached forward and slapped my knees with open hands. “He does, and the news made him even more enthusiastic. He will be here tomorrow at 2:00 p.m.”

Simultaneous waves of trepidation and excitement swept over my brain. I didn’t know what would happen. I only knew that I would see Nicolas’ dominant qualities in operation, and I knew I would be present and perhaps take part, but the rest was a mystery.

While we continued the conversation, I decided to ask a question even though I was almost certain of the response. “Do you know what is going to happen, Sir?”

Nicolas squeezed my thighs. “I don’t, my boy. I don’t know for sure any more than I know what that wood sculpture over there will be in the end.” His gaze turned serious as he peered deeper into my eyes. “Is the play with Taylor still okay with you?”

I stared back into the pools of blue. Nicolas’ enthusiasm was evident. Despite the trepidation, I could not find it in myself to disappoint him. “Yes, Sir, it is.” I lowered my head for a few seconds and then smiled weakly at my Master and lover.

* * *

Taylor was nervous when he arrived. He peppered me with questions after Nicolas requested that we both strip while he made preparations. We were not allowed in the corner of the studio used for bondage activities. Taylor and I slowly removed our clothes in the middle of the studio. I blushed when Taylor said, “Damn, no wonder Mr. Fairfax loves going to bed with you!”

I pulled my jeans off my right leg. “Did he say that about me?”

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