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I removed River’s phone from my back pocket and the pregnancy test from her purse. “I don’t want the cops to have these.” I turned Brynn’s palm up and placed the life-altering contents in her hand, the plastic crinkling beneath my fingers.

“Holy shit.” She paled, then glanced up at me. “This is why she has been so sick.” Tears moistened her eyes.

“I need you to hide those. I’d rather have Sutton help with River’s cell than turn it over to the authorities.” I hesitated. “If we get caught tampering with evidence …”

Our conversation was interrupted by a few officers arriving. Brynn discreetly shoved the items into her handbag. “I’ve got your back, Holden. You’re not alone.” She squeezed my shoulder and remained next to me as the cops approached.

Jace and Chance arrived at 4 Play half an hour later and practically ran to me. Chance’s expression was grim as he approached. “What can we do to help?” He shoved his fingers through his blonde hair and blew out a breath. Chance was clearly frazzled but remained calm. He’d slipped on black dress shoes with his designer jeans and a white rumpled shirt.

“I don’t understand,” Jace said, placing his hands on his hips, worry flickering to life in his blue-grey eyes. “How did this happen?” Jace rubbed his chin, most likely analyzing the situation in order to find a missing piece. He kicked the toe of his tennis shoe against the wood floor and bowed his head. “What can I do?” He shoved his hands into his jean pockets, his bulging triceps peeking out beneath his basic black T-shirt.

“I’m not sure yet. Let me talk to the authorities and I’ll know more here in a few.” I patted them each on the back, grateful that my best friends were with me.

For the next several hours, the police searched the club and delivery area for any signs of a struggle, then reviewed the security footage. I swore a blue streak when I realized there was a blind spot at the loading dock. The camera hadn’t picked up shit.

They asked all of us questions concerning the furniture company, names, descriptions of the employees, and who else was on site. Since I’d been in the penthouse, I wasn’t sure if anyone had shown up after the men had unloaded our belongings.

The longer we searched, and the longer River didn’t show up, hope began to fade away. I’d denied the nudge of my instincts, but I couldn’t anymore. The harsh reality had been shoved down my throat until I fucking choked on it.

River was gone.

Chapter Two

After the police cleared out, Zayne drove Jace, Chance, and me to Pierce’s house. I’d asked Brynn to remain at the club along with Vaughn and a plainclothes officer. Apparently, Pierce had connections in the community, and I had money, which allowed us extra help even though River hadn’t been gone twenty-four hours yet. Although, Pierce and I had spoken on the phone often, this would be the first time I’d meet him and his wife face-to-face.

As the minutes ticked by, the chill in my bones solidified to sharp, stabbing ice crystals. The not knowing and lack of confirmation were the worst kinds of torture imaginable. I felt as if I might shatter into a million tiny pieces from the stress.

I paced Pierce and Sutton’s large living room, my brain running a hundred miles a minute as I took in the details of their log home. It was spacious but comfortable. The light, shiny wood floors extended into the dining area and up the stairs. The grey stone fireplace stretched toward the vaulted ceiling, and fans circulated the air. The windows offered a stunning view of rolling hills and snow-capped mountains. River would never want to leave this place.

A tall, muscular guy rounded the corner, his brown eyes landing on me. Power rolled off him in waves. His posture and grim expression signaled that he was ex-military. A gorgeous blue-eyed, blonde woman held onto one of his impressive biceps.

“Hey, Holden. I’m Pierce.” He extended his hand, and I shook it.

The woman released Pierce’s arm and stepped forward. “I’m Sutton.” We shook as well. “I’m sorry we’re meeting under these circumstances.” She gently patted my shoulder.

“Me too. Thanks for opening your home to us.” I sat at the end of the brown leather couch next to Jace and Chance. Everyone introduced themselves, then we got down to business.

“I’ve already talked to Zayne, but I’d like to hear it from you, as well.” Pierce remained standing, but Sutton sank into a matching recliner and tucked a foot beneath her leg.

I relayed the information that I had while Jace and Chance listened intently. “And um …” I shot up from my seat and laced my fingers behind my head. Tension snaked down my neck and between my shoulder blades. “River is pregnant.”

“Shit,” Jace and Chance said in unison.

“I found the test in her purse. My guess is that she took it this morning, then tried to ditch Zayne so she could have some privacy and hopefully tell me.” I had no clue if I was correct or not, but I was fishing for a reasonable explanation of why she ran from her bodyguard. Unless she’d been threatened. I wanted to search her phone before I turned it over to Sutton. Maybe she’d received a call or text that would help me piece together what the hell had happened.

“If River had just found out, she’d definitely need some time to process it all if it were unexpected,” Sutton added. “This information adds a layer of urgency. We’re protecting two people now.”

A sharp pang stabbed me in the chest. “I just want her back unharmed.”

“We all do. What suspects do we have?” Pierce asked, stroking his lightly stubbled chin.

I glanced at Jace and Chance. “You guys don’t know what’s going on. Brynn knows a little bit about it because she and River are close, but … I didn’t want to bring anyone else into the situation. I’m sorry.” I scrubbed my face with my hands, realizing this was a full-blown catastrophe.

Chance scooted to the edge of the couch, his brows drawn together, shadowing his blue eyes. “Spill, man. We’ve got your back. Don’t even question it.”

“Talk to us. We all care about River,” Jace added.

These guys were my best friends, and I trusted them with my life. We’d grown up together. We were in a sex club together. Neither of them had ever judged me, even when I’d made some stupid decisions.

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