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A low, throaty growl escaped him, and he picked up the pace, our bodies slapping together as we released in unison.

“Oh God, that was good.” I laughed. “Told you we would be late.”

“You’re worth it.” Holden pulled out of me, then turned me to face him. “I love you, River. Don’t ever forget that.”

He pressed his mouth against mine, and I wrapped my arms around him. “I love you, too, baby.”

We soaped each other up and shared how excited we were about spending our first night in the penthouse.

Twenty minutes later, we stepped out of the shower, grinning like lovesick puppies. I dried off, then blew my hair dry while Holden dressed in jeans and a black polo shirt. His shirt was tight across his chest and arms, revealing his sculpted muscles. My tongue darted out over my bottom lip, and if we weren’t already running late, I would’ve jumped him again.

Holden poked his head into the bathroom. “I’m going to grab us some coffee to take with us.”

“Perfect. Thanks.” I applied a light amount of makeup and put my hair in a ponytail. I’d chosen a pair of light wash boyfriend jeans and a purple polo shirt. After I dressed, I fastened the necklace around my neck. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and picked my handbag up from the floor. I unzipped the bag and froze. With trembling hands, I reached for the box with a sticky note on it.

Take it, then call me. Love you, Brynn.

Goddammit. She must have slipped the pregnancy test into my purse while I was asleep yesterday. There was no way that I was pregnant. I’d just had a stomach flu. Fuck. The possibility hadn’t even crossed my mind since I was on the pill. I stared at the box, unwilling to touch it. Anxiety hummed beneath my skin. I narrowed my eyes, gathering my determination to prove her wrong.

At least Holden didn’t know about her suspicions. I peeked at the instructions. Results took five minutes. There was no way that I could take the stupid test here. Holden would find out. I would have to take it at the club in our private bathroom. I rolled my eyes at Brynn. I loved her, but sometimes she jumped to the worst conclusions right out of the gate. I felt great this morning, plus I was on the pill.

I shoved the box deeper into my purse and placed my phone on top of it. Holden would freak the fuck out if he saw it, and today was our day. Nothing would ruin it.

After a final sweep over the room, I had everything I needed. The rest of our belongings would be packed and moved for us, which was a relief. Not that I had much, but Holden did.

I mentally told Holden’s bedroom goodbye, then pulled the door closed. A pang of sadness filled me as I walked down the hall and descended the stairs. I’d fallen in love with Holden in this house. Our first memories were here, but on the other hand, I was ready to create new ones with him … in New York. He was right, home was where I was, and all I wanted was to be with him. Flying back and forth wouldn’t be a big deal. Besides, I’d always wanted to visit New York, and now I could support Holden with his dream.

Elated with my decision, I hurried through the house and to the kitchen. I halted when I laid my eyes on him. He took a drink of his coffee, his attention on his phone.


He glanced up, a beautiful smile on his face.

“Yes,” I said, my voice bubbling over with excitement.

He shoved his cell in his back pocket and set his cup on the counter. “Yes?”

“Yes to you. Yes to New York. Yes to the club.”

“Are you sure, River? We’ll be busy as fuck between the two clubs.”

I walked toward him. “Do you promise to put me first? Make time for us? Because I will promise you the same. You’ll always be my top priority. But you’re right, we’ll be super busy, and I need more than a quick kiss and fuck before we fall asleep each night. I need all of you.” I placed my palm against his chest.

“The easiest thing I’ve ever done is put you first, River. I’ll hire a manager immediately so we can have time for ourselves. I want to take you on a carriage ride in Central Park. I want to pick out a new place to live there. I want to spoil you rotten with dinner and Broadway.” He kissed me. “I’m saying yes to you, River.”

Holden’s phone buzzed, but he ignored it.

“Then let’s do it.” I grinned at him so hard my face hurt.

Holden threw his head back and released a loud whoop as he picked me up, my toes no longer on the floor.

He set me down and laid a searing kiss on my mouth. “I love you so much.”

“Love you too, babe.” I placed my palm on his cheek and peered into his eyes, lost in all of the beauty that was him. Lost in us. I finally had the love of my life and a safe future beside him.

Holden’s phone rang again, and he snatched it off the counter and answered it. “We’re on the way. Excellent. Be there in twenty.” He hung up and patted his back pocket. “The furniture is waiting for us. Wallet, cell, and the car key. I’ve got everything.” A boyish grin eased across his features. He fished around in his jeans pocket, then produced the key. “You don’t need it since I’ll be with you, but ...” He reached for my hand and placed it in my palm. “Why don’t you drive us to work, babe?”

My mouth hit the floor. “Are you sure? What if I mess up your baby?” My pitch rose with each word.

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