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I nodded and held it into place. “It still might just be a twenty-four-hour bug. I didn’t start feeling like shit until after lunch.”

Concern flashed in Holden’s eyes. “I hope so. I’m glad Brynn will be over. It helps me not worry as much.”

The washcloth fell off and landed on the tiles with a plop. Holden picked it up and grabbed a new one, wetting it with cold water again. “Do you think you can go back to bed?”

“Yeah. I think I’m okay now.” Holden helped me off the floor and tucked me in.

My vision adjusted to the thin stream of light that had snuck its way into the bedroom. I blinked several times, attempting to clear the sleep from my eyes. The numbers on Holden’s alarm clock glowed red and alerted me that it was after ten in the morning. Holden would have left when Brynn arrived.

I sat up, slowly swung my feet off the mattress, and rested them on the floor. My stomach didn’t give me a big fuck you, at least. I took my time, then stood and changed into a pair of gray sweatpants, picked up my cell phone, then made my way downstairs to find Brynn.

“Hey, you have more color in your cheeks.” She set her cup of coffee on the table and scooted to the end of the couch.

“Did Holden tell you I got sick early this morning?” I set my cell down near her mug, then plunked down on the other side of the sofa and grabbed my pillow from the night before. I clutched it to my stomach and eyed the steam rolling off her drink. “I don’t even want coffee. Pretty sad, huh?” I offered her a weak smile.

“Holden’s panicked, babe. He’s not good with people being sick.” She turned and faced me on the couch and tucked her legs beneath her.

“I’ll be fine.”

Brynn’s lips pursed. “He wants me to message him at noon and if you’re not making significant changes, then he asked me to take you to my doctor. She’ll squeeze you in if I call.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “He’s overreacting, but I have a feeling I have no say in it, do I?”

Brynn grinned at me. “You’re a fast learner. And it won’t hurt anything. She can look you over, then pat you on the back and explain that you have the flu. She’ll tell you to grab some Gatorade and rest. As long as you’re not dehydrated, you’re fine, but that’s the tricky part.”

Once I thought about it, I hadn’t been able to keep any 7 Up down yet. “I’ll get some soda and see how it works this morning.” I stood and wobbled.

“Oh, fuck no. Sit down, babe. Holden will kill me if you hurt yourself.” She hopped up and ran to the kitchen before I could object.

“Oh, God. What the hell is wrong with me?” I groaned and rubbed my face with my hands.

“Stress can manifest in strange ways, River. I’m sure you’ll be running around tomorrow, good as new.” She gave me the glass and I took a small sip.

Brynn sat down again, her green eyes searching me.

“What? Do I have puke in my hair?” I smoothed the back of my head, frowning.

“River, when was—”

My phone rang, interrupting her. I scooped it off the coffee table and answered with a smile. “Hey, how’s your day going?”

“Fine, but I can’t stop worrying about you,” Holden said, fear dripping off his words.

“I’m drinking some soda now. Brynn said you’ve ordered her to throw me in her car and rush me to the doctor’s if I’m not doing better by this afternoon.” I stole a glance at Brynn. Her green eyes were wide.

She leaned forward, grinning. “I never said that.”

We all laughed. “See, I’m even joking around. I’ll be fine, babe. Please don’t worry. As soon as I’m good to go, I’ll be back at the club, then we can have lunch together.”

“Mmhm,” Brynn said under her breath, and I tossed my pillow at her.

“Brynn wants to eat Zayne for lunch.” I shot her an ornery grin as Holden’s laughter filled the phone.

“I can’t deny the truth.” She tossed up her hands in surrender.

“It sounds like you’re doing better but keep me posted. I won’t be able to get home until later this evening. On the positive side, the penthouse is looking damn good. I want to bring you up as soon as possible. It’s just the finishing touches now. We’re almost there.” His voice was low, sending little delightful shivers through me.

“I can’t wait. When will the furniture be delivered?” I chewed my lip, unable to contain my grin.

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