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I tucked my new dark wash jeans into my black boots and left my blouse unbuttoned to show a little cleavage, but not too much. It had been Brynn’s idea, and since I was with her and Vaughn, I felt comfortable enough to leave a few of the buttons undone. Plus, we were going up to the third floor without stopping.

We were flooded with attention as we walked through the main floor and to the elevator. I pushed the button, and the doors whooshed closed. “He said to meet them in the party room.”

Brynn rolled her eyes. “The guys are here so much they set up a pool table, television, PlayStation, and Xbox upstairs. That’s the party room.” She grinned. “Holden’s been known to sleep here on occasion after a late night.”

I almost asked with who, but I caught myself before I stuck my foot in my mouth. Holden hadn’t ever tried to hide the fact that he’d been a player, but I didn’t want to know about it.

The elevator stopped, and we stepped into the same hallway as the conference room. Brynn made a left, and I followed her. “Here we are.” She turned the handle and opened the door. Vaughn remained outside in the hall. I bet his job was boring as hell sometimes.

“Dayummm.” Jace stood, his eyes on Brynn and me.

“Back up, man.” Holden playfully smacked Jace on the chest, then approached me.

“You. Look. Sexy. As. Fuck.” Holden slipped his arms around my waist and planted a searing kiss on my mouth.

A low whistle filled the man cave, then laughter. I peeked around my boyfriend, my attention landing on Chance.

“You two are steaming up the room. I’m not going to be able to see the game if you don’t stop.” Chance leaned to the right, his fingers flying over the controller.

Brynn laughed and sat on the arm of the couch near Chance.

“Did you have a good day?” Holden whispered against my ear.

“I did. It was really good.” I peered up at him through my eyelashes, heat stirring deep inside of me.

“Excellent. I have something to show you.” He kissed my forehead and took my hand. “See you all in a bit.”

The guys just grunted at us as we slipped out of the room. Holden led us to the elevator. “Vaughn, we’re going to the penthouse. We’ll be back in a few.”

“Sir.” Vaughn nodded, acknowledging Holden’s request.

“I wanted to show you the space.”

“I’m excited. Hopefully the new art pieces will work well with it.” Anxiety hummed beneath my skin as Brynn’s earlier conversation played in my mind again. I’d promised not to tell Holden, but now that I was with him, I wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do. My conscience flipped around faster than a weathervane in a tornado. Either way, there would be consequences.

The elevator doors pinged and slid open. We strolled down the hall, then to a door. Holden removed a key from his jeans pocket and unlocked it. I chewed on my lip. That had to change. We needed an eye scanner here as well. I made a mental note to talk to him about what security upgrades we would have.

“Damn,” I said, my attention shifting as I scanned the huge space. My boots scuffed across the clean concrete floors as I walked around.

“This includes the kitchen, dining area, and living room. I was thinking about an open concept. What do you think? We can make any changes you want to.”

I nodded in agreement. “It will be perfect. Plus, the view is stunning. I would prefer not to have walls in the way.” I strolled over to the windows.

“You can see for miles and miles.” Holden joined me and slipped his arm around my waist. “I can’t wait to wake up here with you every day, River.” He glanced down at me, and my heart raced in response.

“Me, too.” We stood in silence, reveling in the peace and beauty that surrounded us.

“Are you ready to see the master? Well, what will become the bedroom?”

I nodded, grinning like a little girl on Christmas morning as we strolled to our future hideaway.

“Wow.” I hurried to the middle of the room and spun around. “This is way bigger than the one we’re currently in at your mom’s place.”

Holden chuckled. “Yeah, I guess a big-ass bedroom and huge bathroom are perks of owning it.”

I laughed, loving the idea of our own home.

“Do you know what I love the most?” Holden approached me, his brown eyes flashing with mischievousness.

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