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I remained silent, giving Catherine major kudos. She could have dismissed me and thrown me out on the streets. At least one of Holden’s parents liked me.

Chapter Thirty-Two

The next day Holden, Jace, and Chance met for lunch downtown while Brynn and I had made plans to shop. In less than an hour, she arrived at the front door.

“Hey, babe!” Brynn said, slipping her black Dior sunglasses on the top of her head. Her red hair flowed past her shoulders and down her back as she strolled through Holden’s foyer like she owned the place. Her light wash blue jeans hugged her curves, and her black boots clicked against the marble floors. She wore an emerald-green blouse and a diamond pendant around her slender neck. She looked so stunning I almost questioned my sexuality.

“Hey babe, yourself.” I grinned at her.

She greeted me with a warm hug. “Are you ready to do some damage?” She held up her credit card and winked at me.

“Hell. Yes.” I held up my own black American Express card and giggled.

“Holy. Shit.” She snatched it from my hand. “Girl, please. He gave you your own card?”

“Yes, but I’m going to pay the bill because I also have a consulting job at 4 Play!” I bounced on my toes, elated that I had my own money.

“What? Oh my God! That’s amazing.” She hugged me again. “But your man is paying for this trip. Save your money.”

“Why? Are we spending a lot?” As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew better. The few times I’d shopped with her, Holden’s wallet was ten to fifteen thousand dollars lighter. A few dresses, heels, bras, panties, and spa days will do that, apparently.

“Mimosas and a mani-pedi to begin with, then we’re getting your sweet little ass some jeans, tennis shoes, and some shirts. We need to pick you out a few more cocktail dresses, but that doesn’t have to be today. Then ...” She sunk her teeth into her lower lip. “Holden wants me to take you to start shopping for the penthouse.”

“What?” I asked, gawking at her. “We’ve not even finalized the plans yet.”

She shrugged and grinned. “He wants to know what your style is.”

“Well, shit. I don’t even know what my style is.” I tossed my hand in the air, flustered that I had no idea.

Brynn held her elbow out to me. “Exactly.”

I slipped my arm through hers as we strolled through the foyer to the front door.

“There’s an amazing art gallery I want to take you to. You need to pick a few pieces out before they’re gone.”

I scrunched up my nose. “Not sure I’m the art type?”

Brynn opened the door for me. “You are, you just don’t know it yet.”

Laughing, we walked toward a black Mercedes, then I slowed down. “I thought you drove a Jaguar.”

“Yeah, about that.” She placed her sunglasses on her face. “Holden wanted us to be accompanied today since … his dad.”

I stopped mid-step and leaned on my cane. “No offense, Brynn, but Holden needs to talk to me about these things, not you.” Anger simmered below my somewhat calm exterior.

“I completely agree. It was very last minute. He’d called to see if I had time to take you to the gallery and he filled me in on the highlights of his fucked-up father. I actually suggested we have one of his bodyguards go with us. He agreed. I swear there’s nothing more to it.”

My phone vibrated in the back pocket of the jeans I’d borrowed from Mallory. I pulled it out to see Holden’s name flashing across my screen with a text.

Babe, I’m an ass. I chatted with Brynn, and she thinks you two should have a bodyguard with you today. I agreed, but I wanted to let you know before she got there so it wouldn’t freak you out. I’m not sure where Dad is, so I would rather be safe and take care of the one thing in this world I love with all my heart.

“From the look on your face, that’s Holden.” Brynn’s big green eyes softened with understanding.

“Yeah. I feel like a total bitch. I think his text was delayed. I just now got his message.” I handed the phone to Brynn.

“It’s okay. I won’t say a word about the misunderstanding. Your secret’s safe with me.” She returned my cell, and I texted him a quick reply and that I loved him. I shoved it in my back pocket, then we continued to the car.

“Just a head’s up, you might need an extra pair of panties with you.”

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