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Several couches and a few chairs took up half the space in the large area, and a full bar was in the back of the room. Shelves and hooks lined a wall, and rows of sex toys and other options I’d never seen before were also available.

Six people stood around her, all naked and with their backs to me. One of the guys approached the wheel and spun it slowly.

A deep chuckle permeated the place. “Nipple clamps, darlin’.”

Oh. My. God. I recognized Jace’s voice. I’d just seen his ass. The moment I realized it, he turned around, and I slapped a hand over my mouth as his long dick saluted me. I stood there, my cheeks blazing, eyes burning, and every muscle in my body taut as a bowstring. Shit, I’d seen my new friend naked.

Jace returned to his place, then a petite black-haired girl stepped forward and spun the wheel.

She giggled when it stopped. “Hold on, Red. I need to get situated.”

Red bit her lip and grinned. “I hope it’s what I think it is.”

“Jesus, that’s Brynn?” I whisper-yelled at Holden.

“Yeah. We’re all in the club, River.”

Reality slapped me in the face, nearly knocking me off balance. Holden, Jace, Chance, Brynn, and a few others had all been having sex and playing sex games for years. They were way more than just friends. They’d licked, fucked, and sucked each other.

The petite girl knelt, then ran her tongue along the inside of Brynn’s leg.

“Holy shit.” My body responded without my permission as I watched this girl perform oral sex on Brynn. From the sound of Brynn’s moans, she clearly enjoyed the hell out of it.

“Anything goes?” I squeaked.

“As long as no one gets hurt, then yes. Spanking, BDSM, girls with girls. I do have a boundary. I won’t cross swords. Another guy is off-limits for me, but some are okay with it.”

I stole one last glance at the group, my chest rising and falling as the light bulb went off in my head. The next person approached, and I looked away. Guilt gnawed at me for feeling aroused, and for witnessing my friends in a private moment. I wasn’t sure this was what I wanted, but I wasn’t opposed to it either. What did that say about me? Maybe I was more like my mother than I realized. A whore.

“I’m done.” My heart sank as Holden stared at me, disappointment and sadness springing to life in his gorgeous features.

“I understand, River.”

My thoughts spun out of control on the way back to Holden’s. He’d opted for his navy BMW i8 and left the limo for Brynn, Jace, and Chance. I’d never asked him how many cars he owned, and honestly, I didn’t care. I was too angry even to admire the beauty of the one that I was sitting in.

Once we were safely in the foyer of Holden’s house, I spun around and glared at him.

“You said that Brynn wasn’t bisexual. You lied to me.” Anger flared from deep inside. I was suddenly being forced to choose between my old life and this new one.

“I didn’t lie. You mentioned that your pain meds might be messing with you, and I agreed. I never answered if Brynn was bi. I mentioned that Becky was.”

“Was Becky a member, too? Did you two use a room?”

“River, I can’t give out any information. It’s all confidential. I can tell you that we dated for a few months, but I just wasn’t into her. Then after she pulled that shit with you, I was done.”

I smashed my lips together, growing angrier by the second. “So why did you take me to the club, Holden? Do you need redemption about this, too?”

“I promised no more secrets ...” His voice trailed off. “Hannah was introduced to drugs at 4 Play.”

Holden’s shoulders slumped and he hung his head. “When I found out, I took over and cleared out the drug dealers and pimps. Less than a year later, I was running a drug-free, high-end club. I felt a sense of accomplishment and I had my own money. 4 Play has a reputation for being safe. It was only last year that I moved our sex club to one of the rooms, so we could use it whenever we wanted to. Before that, we used each other’s houses when the parents were gone.”

“I don’t even know what to do with this information, Holden.” I shook my head and stared at the white-and-black marble floors. “I need some time to think. Tonight has been a lot.”

Without looking at him, I crutched my way up the wide stairs and into the bedroom. I quietly closed the door behind me, then flopped down on the bed. I heaved a sigh while I watched the blades of the ceiling fan spin, the string pinging rhythmically against the light. Massaging my temples, I tried to separate out the hurricane of feelings that were crashing down on me. It was Holden’s secret, but it was also Brynn’s, Jace’s, and Chance’s. These people were so rich they got bored and had started a sex club.

I fisted my hands and pounded the bed, frustration seeping out of my pores. I sat up and looked around. I was too tired and overwhelmed to make any decisions tonight except for one. I traced the diamond H of the choker I was still wearing, and I felt around for the clasp. The necklace fell forward, the weight of the diamonds and gold hit my palm, then I placed it carefully on the nightstand.

I stood and leaned against the mattress for balance as I slipped out of my dress. My nipples hardened against the cool air, and I shivered slightly. It took me a minute to wiggle out of my G-string, and I swore at the blasted cast on my leg. Sprawling out on the bed, I propped up on one elbow, then tugged on the drawer of my nightstand. When Brynn and I had arrived earlier that day, she’d brought the Adam & Eve bag to my room, opened the package, and wrapped the vibrator in a soft purple pillowcase. Even though I was shocked about the club, it also left me wanting more. Maybe Brynn’s idea would work.
