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“I’m so fucking relieved,” Holden said. “I’m so fucking relieved.” He hung his head for a minute, then looked at the screen again.

“Are you and River going to stay in one of the guest rooms for a while?” Brynn’s expression pleaded with me.

“Chance, is it okay?” I chewed my bottom lip while I waited for Chance to respond. “That way you can rest, and I can stay with her. You should get some fresh air and sunshine, too. Both of you have been cooped up in the hospital. The temps are already warming up here, and your porch is a perfect spot for us to hang out.”

Holden twirled a piece of my hair around his finger. “We can give you two a break and stay at Jace’s some, too. Once we get the house designed and the materials ordered, the construction for both 4 Play and our home will start. When we get to a certain point, I’ll hire twenty-four-hour crews. River and I are ready to settle into a new routine.”

“There’s no question that you two will stay. Plus, when the club is ready, I’ll be managing most nights, so that will take me away from Brynn. But by then, hopefully she’ll be in remission.” Chance smoothed the hair from Brynn’s forehead and kissed her.

Zayne pulled into the parking lot and shifted the Mercedes into park.

Holden squeezed my knee, grinning. “We’re at our appointment, but we’ll call later. Super happy you guys are coming back.”

I blew them a kiss and waved goodbye. Since the car had stopped, I crawled into Holden’s lap and buried my head in his neck. “She’s going to be okay,” I whispered against his ear.

“Yeah, babe. She is.” He held me for a minute, then we climbed out where Zayne was waiting for us.

A huge grin eased across his face. “Excellent news. I can’t wait to see her again.”

“I know, me too.” I gave Zayne a brief hug, then took Holden’s hand in mine as we approached the building.


The rest of the day was filled with planning and selecting the color of the logs, chinking, rafters, floors, and ceilings for the main level of our home. Holden and I had both agreed on a contemporary rustic style. Neither one of us wanted a moose head or antlers anywhere. Thank God we both had good taste.

After the meeting, we swung by Catherine’s to tell her the news about Brynn and Mallory. She was elated and immediately called the hospital to see what Brynn would need at Chance’s to continue her care. Catherine also hired a full-time nurse to be able to administer any medications and to monitor her closely. Catherine wasn’t leaving any room for a mishap, and I loved her for it.

Reid joined us for dinner. He and Jace had taken off to play some basketball at the gym while Vaughn kept watch. For the most part, we were lying low, but sometimes we had to blow off some steam. Vaughn did a great job at sneaking Reid through the side or back door where no prying eyes could see him. If someone did recognize him, they would most likely think he was Holden as long as my boyfriend wasn’t around. Reid was okay with that. It helped him not have to hide as much.

Catherine busted out more expensive wine, and we polished off a few bottles that evening, celebrating Brynn and Emerson. Both of the ladies would be home the same day. Although Emerson would have a ton of physical therapy, her parents had the money to have someone come to their home most days to work with her. Even though Brynn wouldn’t have a lot of energy or get out much, I assumed she would want to see Emerson.

“River, how are you feeling about the club reopening?” Catherine asked.

“Good, actually. We have a lot more security protocols in place. It will also look different. We’re making a lot of upgrades and the layout won’t be the same. I think it will help. Plus, it’s going to be near the river, so a new location.”

“Chance will also be managing. River and I will be at 4 Play a few nights a week. I want to ease into it. We have plenty to do from the house. I think that change will make a difference as well.” Holden stretched his long legs under the table, and I rubbed his muscular thigh.

“If you ever need to stay here instead of the club, you’re always welcome,” Catherine offered. “The drive to Sandpoint can be long late at night. If the weather is bad, there’s no use driving to your place and risking an accident.”

“Thank you. I’m sure we’ll take you up on it,” I said, offering her a grateful smile.

Reid and Holden played some pool while Catherine and I chatted details about the home. Catherine had recently stocked up on interior design magazines, so we leafed through them and picked out things we both liked.

“Have you talked to Mallory lately?” I turned down the corner of the magazine, marking a page I wanted to show Holden. The furniture was similar to the style I wanted.

“She called this afternoon and told me she met Reid. That sounds funny, doesn’t it?” Catherine leaned back in her chair, taking a break from looking at the magazines. “I can’t believe he’s really here, River. Now Mallory wants to return. I’m not sure for how long, but is it crazy to think that my family is finally healing? The only one missing is Hannah.”

I shifted in my seat, facing her, and crossing my legs. “No, it’s not crazy. It’s wonderful. I have a feeling that Hannah is somewhere watching all of this, too.”

“I hope so. I miss her so much. She had such a bright future ahead of her, but she couldn’t handle the secrets and she blamed herself for not protecting Reid. Mallory blamed herself for using the bathroom when he was taken. She swore that Reid wouldn’t have been taken if Hannah and she had attacked the man when he walked into the house. What she didn’t seem to understand was that she and Hannah were tiny. He would have hurt them, too.” Catherine took a drink of her wine, then set the glass back on the table. “Hannah wasn’t strong like you are.”

I quirked a brow at her. “I’m not strong, Catherine.”

She waved me off. “The hell you’re not. You’re one of the strongest women I’ve ever met. You survived a horrible life with your guardian and a kidnapping. You’re doing everything to heal and move on. One of these days, you’ll realize that you, River Collins, are unstoppable.”

She raised her wineglass to me, and I lifted mine as well. “To strong, unstoppable women.”

We clinked our glasses together, then took a sip. “Thank you for believing in me.”
