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I returned the movies to her. “They look fun.” I chewed on my bottom lip and peeked over my shoulder at Jace. “The guys won’t be in here with us though, right?” I whispered.

“Nope, we’re banning them from being down here with us. They’ll play games in the game room upstairs.”

“Okay,” I said, trying to suppress the giggle that was bubbling up.

Holden’s sweet and spicy scent tickled my nose before he even reached downstairs. He descended the steps, and I glanced over my shoulder. He was freshly showered, his hair still slightly damp. His navy long-sleeved T-shirt clung to his broad chest, and my fingertips itched to touch him. After a sneak peek of his abs, I was curious to see him without a shirt. I had a feeling I wouldn’t be disappointed. His jeans hung low on his hips, hugging his butt and thighs perfectly.

Holden Alastair was pure, mouthwatering perfection.

“Are you ready for me to kick your ass?” Holden asked Jace. He walked over to me, chuckling. “Our boy Jace whines like a little bitch when he loses.” Holden winked at me, then strolled around the couch and hugged Brynn.

“We’ll see who’s crying like a little girl in a while. Until then, I made cocktails for everyone.” Jace approached us with four glasses on a tray.

“Madam,” he bowed to me, his grin infectious.

“Why thank you, good sir.” I hesitated, unsure of which one was for me.

“The white one,” Brynn said.

“Got it.” I selected mine and eyed the others. “What are those?” I pointed to the light tan-colored drinks.

“Long Islands,” Holden said, taking his. “Thanks, man.”

“Thank you, dude. It’s your liquor.” Jace clicked his tongue and winked at Holden.

I laughed, then took a sip. “Oh, this is tasty.”

“Brynn would agree with you, River. A word of advice, though, take it slow. Those can sneak up on you. Right, Brynn?” Holden snickered.

“Hey, just because I can drink you all under the table doesn’t mean you can tease me about how many times I puked the next day.” Brynn crossed her arms over her chest and shot the guys a playful glare.

“Damn, I bet that tastes awful coming back up.” I curled my upper lip in disgust before I took another sip.

After the laughter died down, Jace and Holden told us goodbye, then hurried up the stairs while talking shit to each other. I didn’t miss Brynn’s attention following them, or the longing evident in her wistful expression. I wasn’t sure who she was secretly in love with, though. Holden or Jace? A stab of jealousy pricked my chest, and I mentally scolded myself. This wasn’t my world, no matter how much Holden wanted me to think it was. I still planned on moving on when I was healed, which meant emotional attachments were firmly off the table.

“Let’s get the entertainment started.” Brynn loaded the DVD player, then settled in next to me and dimmed the lights. The huge television flickered to life, then the music blared through the speakers. Since I had to wear shorts most of the time due to my leg, I was constantly snuggled under a blanket.

“Where’s Chance?” I asked.

Brynn’s fingers tightened around her glass. “He’s at work.”

My eyebrows knitted together. “He works? I thought you all were like … super rich.”

Brynn smiled. “We are. He likes to work for his own money separate from his parents.”

“Gotcha, just like Holden.” I paused momentarily, waiting to see if Brynn was going to tell me what the guys did for work, but she didn’t. As much as I wanted to ask, Holden had said he’d tell me later, and I wanted to respect his wishes. I understood not wanting your secrets exposed.

“You’re going to love the eye candy,” Brynn said, changing the topic. We grew silent, our attention glued to the drool-worthy men on the screen.

Voices roused me from a deep sleep. “Shit, I fell asleep during the last movie.” I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as Holden chuckled.

“You know how they say that when people are asleep, they look angelic?” I quirked an eyebrow at him, not sure where this conversation was heading.

“Yeah?” I glanced at Brynn, who was still sitting at the other end of the couch, but now Jace was with her, too. Great. I had a fucking audience while I was drooling.

A playful grin pulled at the corner of his mouth. “You looked like one too, but I think your halo is held up by horns.”

I laughed at him. “If that’s all you’ve got, it was completely lame.” I shook my head, smiling.

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