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“Sure you could have, but I’m glad that I was able to be there for you. For Reid, too.” I peeked over at the couch, grinning at how immersed Reid was already. “How are you feeling about having a brother again?”

“Good. Hopefully, we can reconnect and make up for the lost years.” Holden handed my drink to me, then plucked a straw from the bar top and shoved it in my glass.

I took a long pull of the Long Island and sighed. “That’s so good.”

“But you need to know that, if he steps out of line with you, I won’t hesitate to check his ass.” Holden’s expression was stern, the muscle in his jaw twitching.

“You have nothing to worry about. I promise. First, I will check his ass if he steps out of line, then you can have at him. Second, I understand him better than anyone else here. He wouldn’t ever cross that line with me. He knows who I belong to. I talked about you the entire time I was at the compound.”

Holden’s brows shot up to his hairline. “You did?”

“Why would that surprise you? I love you.” I placed my palm against his chest, gazing into his dark brown eyes.

“Aren’t you two just the sweetest,” Brynn said as she waltzed into the penthouse, Jace and Chance on her heels. Brynn’s and the guys’ arms were loaded with bags. “Got us a few things, babe.” She sauntered over to me and kissed my cheek. “We should change, then model for the men.”

“Umm, maybe not?”

Brynn took my wrist, and we laughed as she dragged me to her and Chance’s room. She closed the door behind me and set the bags on the bed.

“How did it go?” She plopped down on the mattress and patted the place next to her.

“In-fucking-sane. Holy shit, it was so intense.” I sat down, then stood again. “Wait, I want to get my drink. Do you want one? Can you have alcohol while on chemo?”

“No, it might make the side-effects worse, but …” She rummaged through a few bags, then produced a little box. “I have some edibles. I’ll eat a part of one. If I have an entire piece, I’ll be so stoned I can’t follow a conversation.” She opened the package and removed an orange gummy. “I haven’t had this particular edible before, but most of the time, I get the serious munchies, then I get horny as hell.” She took a bite and winked at me. “It’s going to be a really good night.”

I laughed, then left to get my drink, returning a few seconds later. “Okay, are you ready?” I sat next to her. “So, Holden told Catherine he never wanted to talk to her again after today.”

“What? Holy shit.”

“He came around, though. Once he saw Reid’s reaction, I think he came to terms that he wanted his mom in his life as well. Now Catherine has her sons back.”

“Oh man, I bet that broke Catherine at first. Holden has always been her favorite.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that. Interesting. And who knows, Reid might have been her favorite if he hadn’t been stolen.” I took another pull on my straw, relaxing a little. Apparently, drinking on an empty stomach made the alcohol hit you faster. “Let me back up. I honestly thought Catherine was going into heart failure when she saw her sons standing next to each other. And …” I grabbed her arm and shook her slightly. “Get this. Reid’s given name is Garrison.”

Brynn’s eyes narrowed. “I like Reid a lot better. It fits his sexy, fine ass.” Brynn giggled.

I snorted, then we laughed even harder. It took another half hour to update her on the rest of the story. She stared at me, astonished. “How was everyone when she left?”

“Oh, man. Girl, I fucking lost my shit. Catherine told us goodbye, opened the door, walked into the hall, then Reid yelled at her to stop. He asked her to stay.” I fanned my face, attempting not to cry. I glanced at Brynn and the big, fat tears running down her cheeks.

“Oh, my God.” She placed her hand on her chest. “That’s poetic. Like, fucking heart wrenchingly poetic. I’m so glad he asked her to stay. And what about Holden?” She frowned. “Oh boy, I think this edible is stronger than I thought it would be. You better talk fast before I can’t follow the conversation.”

“Are you okay?” I looked at her, noting her pupils were already dilated.

“Yeah, my head is a bit fuzzy. Keep going. Tell me how Holden handled Reid wanting her to stay.”

I slumped forward, then slurped the last of my drink down. “I need another one. You, however, don’t need any more of that edible. Your pupils are huge. How ya feelin’, hot stuff?” I nudged her with my elbow, and she flung herself on the mattress, knocking a few shopping bags onto the floor.

“Hungry. Horny.” She bit her lip and looked at me. “I really want to take Reid for a test ride.”

“Brynn … I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

She covered her face with her hands. “Holden told you, didn’t he—about Chance?”

“That’s not why I said it’s not a good idea, Brynn. Reid is … he’s like a lost little boy. He needs some time to get on his feet. I love you tons, but I’m not going to budge on this one.” I slurped the last remnants of liquid from my glass. “And yeah, he talked to me about Chance, but Chance never told the guys what you said when he confessed that he was in love with you.”

Brynn peered up at the ceiling, her leg bouncing. “I don’t want to give up what I have and settle down. That probably makes me a real bitch, doesn’t it?”

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