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Brynn woke as well.

“Holy hell, I’m starving.” She grinned at Jace and gave him a peck on the lips. “I’ve missed you.”

“You, too.” Jace kissed her again, then helped her off the couch.

Over dinner, we all kept the conversation light and fun. I didn’t miss Brynn’s hand under the table. Jace seemed like he was trying to keep a straight face and eat, but whatever was going on, he was having a hard time. I almost snickered, but then I realized Chance might not think it was funny. They’d all been together for years, and nothing had changed except for Chance’s feelings for Brynn, but that was a big deal. I wondered how this would all play out in the end, or if Brynn was right in not settling down until she knew how the cancer was treating her.

My heart somersaulted and plummeted to my toes. She had to beat the disease. She fucking had to.

Chapter Twenty-Four

I shuddered as the cool air brushed against my bare skin. After hours and hours of screaming, I’d eventually conceded and spent my energy trying to stay warm, but it was difficult to see in the dark. The odor of the soil told me it had been freshly dug. Clumps had clung under my nails as I’d searched the small area, hoping to find a way out.

Finally, a trap door opened above my head, and a ladder eased down into the hole. Waiting to see if I was being let out or … A large man began to descend the steps. Once his feet touched the ground, he focused on me, his tongue darting over his lower lip.

“Please, let me out.” I used my hands to cover my bare breasts the best I could.

With a wicked grin and glint in his eye, he closed the gap between us. He jerked my head back by my hair and forced me to my knees. He fumbled with the button and zipper on his pants, then freed his cock. “Suck me off, bitch.”

“Fuck you,” I seethed.

His fist smacked the side of my head so hard it sent me flying backward. “Fine.” He pinned me down on the unforgiving ground, then crawled between my legs, forcing them apart.

“Get off me!” I screamed. “Stop!” Tears streamed down my dirty face as I fought with all the strength I had.

“Babe, it’s me, Brynn. River, can you hear me?”

My chest heaved, and my vision burned as the room came into focus. “Brynn?” My voice cracked, an agonizing ache in my throat.

Brynn knelt, her fearful gaze even with mine. “River, you’re at a hotel with Holden, the guys, and me. You had a nightmare, but you’re safe.”

Trembling, I forced myself to look around. Holden, Reid, Jace, and Chance were all staring at me, fear flickering to life in their expressions. Blood trickled its way down Holden’s cheek, revealing four scratch marks. I peered at my nails. “I hurt you?” My legs wobbled.

“He’s okay, hon.” She reached her hand out, and I stared at her, puzzled how all of this had happened. I was fine when I went to sleep, then I recalled the night terror with Barrett.

“Barrett,” I tried to explain. It was all that needed to be said. They both knew he was the guard that had assaulted me.

“It’s okay, babe. Let’s wash your face, then we can snuggle and talk while Holden orders some hot tea. It will help calm you down. Hopefully somewhere around here is open.”

My attention landed on my boyfriend. “I’m so sorry,” I whispered.

“I’m fine, baby. Let’s get you feeling better.” He didn’t step forward or offer to help me off the floor.

I took Brynn’s hand, a bubble of nausea erupting in my stomach. A cold sweat rippled over me, and my pulse pounded in my head, making me feel like I was going to pass out. Brynn slipped her arm around me and led me to the bathroom, where I washed up before we made our way to the living area. The guys were right behind us. Brynn and I settled in on the couch, then Holden covered us up with a blanket before he took a seat in one of the chairs. He was bare-chested and in basketball shorts. It was then I noticed more claw marks on his side. I slapped a palm over my mouth, tears welling in my eyes. I’d hurt him. Afraid to look at him directly, I forced myself to do it.

“You don’t need to worry. I’m okay, River. I’m more worried about you.” He leaned forward and propped his elbows on his knees.

Every cell in my body burned with guilt and a desire to protect him. “You’re the one that should be taken care of. I’m fine.”

Brynn patted my leg. “You were screaming and attacking Holden. That’s not fine, babe.”

“Shit.” I placed my other palm against my forehead, wishing that I was invisible. “Goddammit.”

Chance sat next to me and took my feet, placing them in his lap. I laid my head on Brynn’s thigh, stretched out, and let Brynn smooth my hair. “Holden is fine, he’s a tough guy. A few scratches won’t hurt him.”

Jace and Reid grabbed the other chairs, their attention remaining on me. I hated this. I hated that I had a nightmare and hurt Holden. I hated that I couldn’t escape Barrett and the compound.

Reid’s brows furrowed. “It’s going to take a while. At least, that’s what I’m guessing.”

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