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“Who’s Logan?” Brynn asked.

I studied the floor, mentally reliving the story as I explained it. “Logan lives in our trailer park. He’s a meth dealer and is mixed up in dealing weapons, from the rumors I’ve heard.” I paused to see if there were any additional questions, but they seemed as though they were waiting on me.

“I guess Killer heard all of the commotion because it wasn’t long before he found Dan, who was standing under the tree that I was hiding in. Killer attacked him and ripped his throat out.” Images of Dan’s bloodied body slammed into my mind and my stomach flip-flopped. “There’s no way he survived.”

I glanced around at Holden, Brynn, and Jace, who were now pale and wide-eyed.

“After Killer started back up the hill, I headed toward the trailer. Once I reached my road again, I overheard Logan, Billy, and a few of their friends. They were looking for Dan. Apparently, he owed them a lot of money. One of the men said that if Dan had left town, they would take me as their payment.” My pulse kicked into overdrive and my head buzzed. I stood and wished I could pace while I talked. It always cleared my brain when I was overwhelmed. “They began to talk about sharing me. That’s when I realized that even though Dan was dead, I still wasn’t safe. Not to mention I no longer had a home to return to.”

Over the next few minutes, I shared with them how Shirley and Ed had helped me leave. “But the phone had a tracker in it. Shirley had to have put it there.” Tears welled in my eyes. “I guess that’s what I get for trusting them.”

A pained expression twisted Holden’s features.

With the mention of Shirley’s name, the mixture of pain pills, adrenaline, and anger threatened to crash my system. Black spots danced before my eyes, and I clung to the side of the nightstand.

“River! I’ve got you.” Strong arms lifted me and placed me on the bed.

I gasped for air and clawed at the comforter, then an uncontrollable sob erupted from me. “They betrayed me.”

No longer able to hear what everyone was saying, the fear, anger, and heartache from the past several days surrounded me like a toxic fog, killing me slowly in the process. Curling up the best I could, I succumbed to the unfeeling blackness that called my name and slipped into a peaceful oblivion.

My head throbbed as I attempted to peel open my swollen eyes. The bright rays of sunshine instantly made me regret my decision. I struggled to move my arm, but my body was pinned to the bed. Shit. Why can’t I move? Had Holden decided to turn me over to the authorities, or worse, the men that were looking for me? My pulse raced, my breathing rapid as I teetered on the edge of a full-on panic attack.

“River?” a seductive scratchy voice asked gently. “It’s Holden. You’re safe.” He moved his arm, freeing me. “Sorry, I fell asleep, and I must have ...” He sat up and cleared his throat. “Uh, tossed my arm over you.” He offered me a sheepish grin.

I pulled myself up into a sitting position as I tried to remember what had happened last night.

“How are you feeling?” Holden stood and stretched, his shirt hiking up and revealing a peek of his rippled abs.

“I don’t know. What happened?” I smoothed the stray hairs from my face and tucked my long dark hair behind my ear.

“I think the events from the last few days, along with your pain meds, affected you. You had a mini meltdown.”

My cheeks flamed red. “Oh, God. I’m sorry.”

“Honestly, I’m not sure how you held on for so long.” He walked around the bed, then sat next to me, the mattress dipping beneath his weight.

“Becky?” I grabbed his arm, my eyes widening. “Is she okay?” My hand trembled as I asked. I didn’t like her, but she sure as hell didn’t deserve to get caught up in my shit.

Holden gave me a gentle smile. “She is. Billy was arrested, too. For now, I think you’re safe.”

I flinched at his words. “I wish, but one of his men will eventually come looking for me. These assholes have a hierarchy. I can’t stay, Holden. I’ve put you all in danger already.” I tugged at the cover he was sitting on, but he refused to move.

“Now that I know who you’re hiding from, I can protect you. You don’t have to run anymore.” Holden reached toward me and hesitated. “Don’t be afraid of me,” he whispered, a pleading look on his face. “Let me help.” His dark brown eyes searched mine. “You’re special. Different.” His voice was deep and husky. It did strange things to my insides and turned them upside down.

I sucked in a breath as his fingers trailed down my cheek, and currents of electricity surged through me. What in God’s name was happening?

“What about your parents? School? I can’t stay here.” I was rooted in a haze of uncertainty. My life was teetering on the edge of the unknown, and I hated it.

Deep concern was embedded in his features, and Holden took my hand in his. “My parents won’t care. They won’t be home for another month, then they’ll be out the door again. As far as school, I have classes online and a few in person. Once classes start back up after winter break, I’ll have football training, but our games are finished for the season. Seriously, if you don’t stay, the house will just be empty.”

Determination settled into my bones. “If I agree, then what can I do to pay my way?”

A gorgeous grin split Holden’s face. “You’ll stay, then?”

“I didn’t say that.” Although my words were firm, I couldn’t hide my smile. “I’m used to working and paying my own way.”

“How old were you when you started taking care of the bills for you and Dan?”

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