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“I’ll wait until we’re face-to-face. I know we all suspected it, but it’s different now that it’s confirmed.”

“I get it. We can’t talk ourselves out of it now that there’s proof that he’s your sibling.”

Holden looked out the window, remaining silent for a few minutes. “Zayne, I think we should all go to the hotel first. You can take River to see Brynn. That way if my mom is at the hospital, she won’t see Reid before we’re ready to talk to her.”

“You got it,” Zayne replied.


An hour later, Zayne escorted me down the hall to Brynn’s room. He knocked on the door, and Chance opened it, grinning at us. “River!” Chance snatched me off the ground and swung me around. He planted a kiss on the side of my head, then set me down.

“He’s such a flirt,” Brynn said, laughing.

I laughed and patted Chance on the chest. “It’s so good to see you.” Tears pricked my eyes, and Chance warmly embraced me.

“You’re back. I never doubted that you would be,” he said softly.

I nodded against him, unable to talk around the lump in my throat. There were times I thought I would never see my friends again, much less hug them.

Chance released me and smiled. “I’ll be outside if you need anything.” He winked at me before he slipped out of the room and closed the door behind him.

I glanced at Brynn. My breath halted in my lungs. My vision blurred and my pulse pounded in my ears. She wasn’t allowed to die. I’d fucking lost enough, and I refused to lose her, too.

“Hey.” I hadn’t ever been in a hospital other than when I broke my leg and certainly not to spend time with someone I loved. Even though she was my best friend, my awkwardness suffocated me. What should I say? Did I pretend that nothing was wrong? Thank God, I’d seen her on FaceTime yesterday or I would have been shocked by her appearance. Although her coloring was better today, and she had the familiar sparkle in her green eyes, I could tell she wasn’t feeling well after the chemo. She still looked pale, and the ugly white and blue hospital gown didn’t help matters either.

“Hey yourself.” She patted the side of the bed, all smiles.

I stood rooted to my spot while I stared at my best friend. “Zayne is parked in the hall.” I approached her slowly. I blinked back tears as I peered into her concerned gaze. As hard as I was trying to be strong for her, I suspected I was about to lose my shit. Brynn was the only person I’d ever known with cancer. I was out of my element.

Moisture welled in Brynn’s eyes. “Good.” She sniffled. “I wasn’t sure I would ever see you again.” Her voice cracked with emotion, and I struggled to hold my relief at seeing her in person in check.

I hadn’t visited with the intention of turning on the waterworks, but I wasn’t sure I could control it, either. Finally breaking out of my daze, I sat on the edge of the bed. Before I was even settled, Brynn threw her arms around me.

“Don’t you ever leave me again.” Brynn tightly squeezed me. “You scared the shit out of me. Thank God for Pierce and Sutton. Zayne reached out to them within minutes of realizing something awful had happened.” Brynn’s shoulders shook, her fingers digging into my back, clinging to me.

“I’ve missed you so fucking bad,” I whispered against her red hair. “Thoughts of you and Holden encouraged me to hang on, gave me hope. I knew deep down that you guys wouldn’t ever stop searching for me.” Swallowing painfully over the anguished lump in my throat, I blew out a soft sigh.

After a few minutes, we released each other, then Brynn scooted over and rolled onto her side. “Come on.”

“Will I fit?” I asked, assessing the small space on the bed next to her.

“Of course you will. We wear each other’s clothes, remember?”

I crawled in and leaned my head against my arm. I offered her a shaky smile. “I don’t like seeing you here.” A sharp ache pierced my chest. “You can’t die on me, Brynn,” I whispered.

“Babe, I’m not going anywhere. I cheated death once, and I’ll do it again. You’re stuck with me. Besides, I kissed your boyfriend while you were gone.” Brynn gave me her best puppy dog eyes.

“You what?” Jealousy reared its ugly head before I had time to process that she was toying with me. I hoped.

“I asked Holden if you would mind. We thought … it was right before I died. I could feel something was off. I kissed all of our guys goodbye.”

My forehead creased in confusion. “Why are you telling me this?” I didn’t understand what the point was.

Brynn placed her hand on my shoulder. “Because nothing about the kiss was what it used to be. He loves me, they all do, and I know that. But Holden was different. It was a potential goodbye, no attraction, no confusion. He was crystal clear. River: you own him. He loves you so much. If I had any doubts about his feelings for you, I don’t anymore.”

I averted my attention, considering what she said. “Under the circumstances, I won’t beat your ass, but don’t let it happen again. Since you’re not going to die, there’s no reason to kiss my boyfriend.”

Brynn erupted into a fit of giggles. “I love you, River Collins. You’re a badass bitch, and I’m so fucking happy you’re back.”

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