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“Hey, everyone. It’s good to see you all.” Pierce nodded at us.

Sutton didn’t hesitate as she gave me a big hug. “How are you doing?” Concern danced across her beautiful features. “Were you able to get any sleep?”

“A little bit.”

“Hi, Reid.” Sutton patted him on his arm. “It’s nice to see you as well.”

“Likewise.” Reid shoved his hands into his pockets, suddenly appearing shy.

Jace greeted everyone, then we all sat next to each other on the black couch, the soft leather dipping beneath our weight. Zayne stood behind Sutton, who sat in the matching recliner across from us. Brian sat in the additional wingback chair with Pierce behind him. Pierce crossed his arms over his massive chest and rocked back and forth on his heels. I hadn’t spent much time with Pierce, but I was pretty sure something was up—something big.

Brian leaned forward and looked at Reid and me. “How are you two holding up? I can’t imagine what this has been like for you.”

“I’m just grateful we’re home.” I glanced at Reid, and he nodded in agreement.

“Thank you for all the help,” Reid added.

“I’m glad it turned out the way it did, and everyone can start to adjust to their life of freedom.” Brian looked at Holden. “Have you had time to tell her about your hypnosis and mom, yet?”

Holden cleared his throat. “We talked about it this morning. Apparently, it wasn’t my mom I saw, it was her twin.”

Brian nodded. “Your aunt’s name is Kassandra Winfield. It took some digging, but we were finally able to verify her identity.”

“She’s not my aunt. I won’t ever claim to be related to a monster.” Holden’s fury was almost tangible as it seeped from his pores.

I dug my nails into Holden’s muscular leg, terrified to ask the next question, but I needed answers. We all did. “Does this mean she’s in custody?”

Brian leaned back in his seat, his expression morphing from business to compassion. As I scanned left, right, then did another sweep, I lost my breath. Everyone was on edge. This wasn’t good. At all.

“Kassandra and Opal fled and have basically disappeared. We’re searching for them, but it’s best if you and Reid lay low until we are able to locate and arrest them. We think we have a lead on Michelle, so hopefully we will be closing in on her soon.”

Tears prickled my eyes. My knees quaked, and nausea bubbled in my belly. “They know about Holden. Where he lives, his job … Becky-Michelle, too.” I slapped my hand over my mouth, muffling the cry that fought to be released. “Michelle is crazy. She fed the FBI information to keep you off her trail. She hated me before, but now …” Wide-eyed, my focus landed on my boyfriend.

Holden slipped his arm around my shoulders. “Babe, we’re keeping security. Also, we can still see Brynn in Portland. We’ll stay tucked away at the hotel.”

I nodded, tears streaming down my cheeks. My pulse kicked up a notch as I glanced at Reid. He was stone-still. If I hadn’t focused, I’m not sure if I would have realized he was even breathing. I squeezed his arm. “We’re safe.”

Reid’s attention bounced from Holden to me, and I hoped I wouldn’t burn in Hell for lying to him. Nothing about this seemed safe.

“I think since Reid is also involved, two bodyguards would work better,” Pierce said. “Especially while you’re in Portland.”

“Yes, please,” I blurted before Holden had a chance to respond.

“Is Vaughn available? River and Brynn already know him. I want them to be as comfortable as possible,” Holden explained.

“I need to check the schedule, but I want to say yes,” Sutton added. She retrieved her phone from the end table and tapped the screen. “He just finished an assignment. When are you going to Portland?” she asked Holden.

“Our flight is booked for seven tonight.”

“Cancel the flights and keep your money. I’ll fly you all down,” Pierce said. “You don’t want to share a small space with a bunch of strangers when Brynn’s immune system is already compromised. If you even have a cold, you won’t be able to see her.”

Fuck. I hadn’t thought of that.

“Let me pay you, then,” Holden said to Pierce.

Pierce waved him off. “I don’t want or need your money, keep it. This is a friend helping friends.”

“Thank you,” I said, my voice cracking with emotion. “I haven’t been able to see Brynn yet, and …”

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