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“If he did that for you, then he’ll have whatever he needs,” Pierce said.

I hoped that the support would ease Reid’s mind about starting a new life. I knew first-hand how scary it was.

The afternoon turned into nightfall, and I shivered from the chill in the air. The EMTs were super nice and talked me through the checkup. Once they’d asked me questions and taken my vitals, they released me. Holden wrapped his arms around me as soon as I was finished.

The stars lit the black sky, and a full moon cast a golden glow over the field where I was questioned by Brian and another FBI agent over the next several hours. I’d shared how I’d been kidnapped, the hole I’d lived in for days beneath Barrett’s home, and the kids I witnessed being abused. I also mentioned Becky-Michelle was involved. Before I had the opportunity to share about Kassandra and Opal, the agents were called away to another area of the compound. That piece of information would have to wait. Plus, I had to figure out how to tell Holden his family was behind the sex ring. In this case, it might be best to rip off the Band-Aid. He would have a million questions, and I needed some sleep before we tackled that conversation. The rest of our meeting would happen at Pierce and Sutton’s place the following day.

Although Holden stuck by my side and listened intently, the recap of some of the details had shaken him up. Verbalizing what I’d lived through had ripped me to shreds. I wasn’t sure how I made it through other than dreaming about Holden and having Reid’s friendship.

When I was finished sharing my account for the day, Holden sent a group text to let Jace, Chance, and Brynn know the FBI had found me. His phone immediately blew up with responses. My chest swelled with love for my friends. I couldn’t wait to see everyone and introduce Reid.

From what Brian had said, they had rescued hundreds of sex slaves. A cry escaped me as I witnessed an agent carrying a little girl. She rested her head on his shoulder. Her blonde hair was tangled, and her blue eyes held a blank expression. She couldn’t have been more than nine years old. I hoped Kassandra and Opal burned for fucking eternity for what they’d done.

The more reality sank in, the more my heart hurt. I wasn’t sure I could tell Holden or anyone about Barrett’s assault. It broke me to know that I was one of the lucky few here. I’d only endured Barrett and the abortion. I hadn’t been beaten and raped over and over. Anxiety skated down my spine at the thought of Barrett. Maybe tomorrow I could ask Brian where he, Opal, and Kassandra were being held.

A little after eleven that evening, we climbed into the Westbrook Security Mercedes. Holden and I took the backseat while Reid hopped into the front passenger seat. It was nice to have Zayne with us again.

Once we were on the road, I stared out the window, seeing trees and the landscape for the first time. My ride here, I’d been unconscious, then I woke up in the hole beneath Barrett’s house. The only thing I’d seen was the large field and homes on the property when Michelle dragged me to one of the buildings with the trainers.

Holden reached over and released my seatbelt, pulling me into his lap.

“Zayne isn’t going to let us ride like this. It isn’t safe.” I slipped my hand around the back of his neck and kissed him gently. “Plus, I stink. I desperately need a shower.”

“I don’t care about any of that. I fell in love with you the moment I found you in the recycling bin. You were dirty and needed a shower then, too.”

I leaned my forehead against his, turning my head toward Zayne when he spoke.

“Holden, stretch your legs out on the seat, then let her sit between them. It will be safer that way,” Zayne said, his green eyes connecting with mine from the rearview mirror.

I slid onto the leather while Holden unbuckled and settled in. I rested my back against his muscular chest, and he wrapped his arms around me.

“I’m never going to let you go again,” he whispered.

“I’m so sorry, babe. I’m so sorry I put everyone through hell.” I peered up at him. The love in his expression was deep and unconditional. I melted into him, allowing his feelings to penetrate my soul and begin to heal the pain.

“I refused to give up. I love you, River. I would have torn the world apart to find you.” He smoothed a stray hair from my face and pressed a kiss to my temple. He gently placed his hand on my lower abdomen. “By the way, I found the pregnancy test in your purse.”

Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I buried my head in his neck. “Holden,” I whispered, my body trembling against him as I began to release the agony of losing the baby. I hadn’t allowed myself to think about it in the cell. I had to stay sharp and calm, and the realization of what those monsters had done to me …

He rubbed my back, allowing me to process a bit of the chaos that was running amok in my mind. I raised my head and placed my lips against his ear. “I realize we have a lot to talk about, and I promise I’ll tell you everything later. But for now, all you need to know is that I lost our baby.” I wanted to apologize to him again, but I already had multiple times. There was nothing else to do other than grieve together.

Holden leaned to the side, cupping my chin. His jaw clenched, and I suspected that he was trying to remain calm.

“You can tell me later, but I love you, and regardless of if we have a baby now, in five years, or never if that’s what you want, the fact that you’re in my arms again is good enough for me. Don’t apologize for something that was out of your control, babe. There’s no need to.”

I nodded, then he kissed me tenderly. Resting against him again, I allowed myself a deep breath. Peeking into the front of the vehicle, I realized that Reid and Zayne were also talking. I was glad that Zayne was taking to Reid so quickly. I hoped Brynn, Jace, and Chance would too.

My eyelids grew heavy as the gentle rise and fall of Holden’s chest eased my mind. Then, it hit me.

“Wait, back up. Five years from now?” He had his future planned out already? Our future?

A chuckle rumbled through him. “We have the rest of our lives to figure out if and when we want a family.”

I snuggled into him again, a smile on my face. “I like the sound of that.” After he learned what had happened, I hoped like hell he would still feel the same about me and that future he’d planned.

Chapter Fourteen

The flight home was quiet. Everyone was exhausted and slept on the way back to Washington. I sat between Holden and Reid, holding onto Holden’s hand. I kept looking at him, hoping he wouldn’t suddenly fade away like he had in my dream during the abortion.

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