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“All I meant was that he really cares about you already. And the guys will take care of Becky. I knew she had a screw or two loose when it came to Holden, but this was over the top even for her.”

“Why? I’m broken and my face is more colorful than my language. Why would she ever feel threatened by me?”

Brynn’s expressive eyes filled with compassion. “You don’t know, do you?”

Chapter Eleven

My heart plummeted to my toes, a sinking feeling twisting my stomach into knots. “I guess not.” I chewed on my already too short thumbnail.

“I’m sorry. The way Holden was acting, I thought maybe he’d told you. Holden and I have been friends for a long time, and I can’t share his past with you. It’s not my place. All I can say is that you resemble someone that was close to him, and Becky realized it.” She offered me a sad smile.

“Even if that’s true, it didn’t give Becky a reason to attack me.” I absentmindedly tucked my hair behind my ear as Becky’s warning rang through my mind.

“I completely agree with you. But, I can promise you this, Holden is a wonderful guy. Smart, kind, and a hell of a football player. He’ll give someone the shirt off his back. I’m not sure how his parents produced such an amazing kid when they’re ...” Brynn stared at the floor, then at me. “It’s not important. You’re in good hands. Get to know him and understand that you’re safe. I saw how on edge you were tonight, but after he told Becky to leave, I hope it put your fears to rest. You really can trust him.”

Jace burst into the room and held out the crutches to me. “I tried to adjust them for your height.” The sounds of sirens reached my ears, and I turned to the windows. He frowned. “What the hell?” He hurried to the window and raised the blind. “Holy shit. The cops and an ambulance.” He spun on his heel and made a mad dash for the door. “I’m not sure if it’s for Holden or Becky!” he yelled as he ran out.

“Can you make it down the stairs?” Brynn asked. “We have to see what’s happening.”

I hopped off the bed, gathered the crutches, and hauled ass out of the room and down the hall as quickly as my brain and body would allow me. When I reached the steps, I gave the crutches over to Brynn, sat down on the top step, and bounced down on my butt while I held my broken leg up with a free hand. Once I was at the bottom, I pulled myself up with the assistance of the banister.

“I can see you’re quite resourceful.” Brynn flashed me a wide smile as she helped me get situated again.

I glanced at the rooms on either side of me as we rushed to the ornate double wood doors of the main entrance.

I reached for the handle, but Brynn stopped me.

“Hang on. Let me look first. We have no idea what’s going on.” I moved to the side and allowed Brynn to peek through the peephole. “Oh for fuck’s sake. Jace, move. I can’t see anything.”

The door swung open, and Brynn motioned me forward. I joined them on the front porch, gawking at what I saw.

Panic ripped the air from my lungs. “Holy shit,” I whispered, trying to duck behind Jace. My fear was so strong I could taste it, sour and acidic.

“River, what’s wrong?” Brynn asked, concern written all over her pretty features.

“There’s a man holding a gun to Becky’s head in the middle of the road, but … he’s hunting me.” A whimper slipped through my parted lips, and I slapped my palm over my mouth. “I don’t know how he found me, but he’s dangerous. Please … help.”

Time stopped as I waited to see if Brynn and Jace would keep me safe. I looked into the street again where Billy, Logan’s right-hand man, held Becky hostage. Three cop cars surrounded them, and multiple guns were trained on Billy. But where was Holden?

“Jace, stay in front of us and block anyone’s view of River,” Brynn ordered.

“Got it.” Jace straightened his shoulders and stood at his full height to cover us.

Brynn slipped into the house, and I hobbled after her. Jace walked backward until he was inside again and quietly closed the door.

“Girl, you’ve got some serious explaining to do,” Jace said, a combination of worry and irritation flickering across his face.

I shook my head adamantly, my attention bouncing between Brynn and Jace. “I don’t ... How did he find me?” A prickle of anxiety rippled over my body, sending a shiver down my spine.

“He’s a meth dealer in my old neighborhood.” I licked my dry lips, attempting to form the rest of my words. “Becky doesn’t deserve that. Oh, God.” I crutched over to the stairs that led to the basement, suddenly feeling overwhelmed and fighting the urge to run. “There are rumors that they’re involved with sex trafficking. My guardian … he was mixed up with them.” I sat on the top stair and bounced down on my ass.

“Jesus, this guy sounds like a real winner. I still don’t understand why he’s here,” Brynn said, hot on my heels as I hurried to the extra bedroom.

“I don’t know. I don’t understand how he found me. I’m from a little town in Montana. I realize it’s not that far, but I left in the middle of the night. No one knew except for the two people that helped me.” I flipped on the light switch to Mallory’s room. “Dammit. I forgot Becky brought my backpack upstairs.” Tears welled in my eyes. “She has to be okay.”

“There’s not a damned thing we can do to help her,” Holden said from behind us.

An unexpected calm washed over me. Holden was all right. “Where were you?” I asked, my voice shaking with the combination of relief and anxiety.

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