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A brief flicker of panic danced across Holden’s features, then it slipped away. “I’ll stay with you, I swear. They want to ask you a few questions, and make sure you’re not hurt.” He smoothed my hair. “If you say no, then that’s it, River. I won’t make you.”

“You’ll stay with me the whole time?” I grabbed his forearms, steadying myself.

“Yeah. Right next to you, I swear. I’ll get Zayne, too. You’ll have both of us. How does that sound?”

More tears streamed down my cheeks. “Zayne is here?” I vaguely remembered the mention of his name, but my head was still trying to register that this was actually happening.

“Yeah. He insisted he be here.” A lopsided grin tugged at the corner of Holden’s mouth. “He’s a really good guy, babe.”

“I know he is.” My breath stuttered in my throat. “If you’re both with me, then I’ll go.”

We walked in silence as we reached the tape and ducked beneath it. My head spun with the scene in front of me. Boys, girls, and people my age made up the majority of the crowd. “There’s so many of us, Holden.” I nearly gagged on my words, then I sank to my knees, overcome with horror.

“Hey, it’s okay.” Holden scooped me up in his strong arms and began to carry me. “You’re free, babe. They’re all free, River. Every one of them.”

I sobbed into his shirt, my tears soaking through the soft material.

“I love you, River. I’ve got you.” He kissed the side of my head as my cries slowed. “You’re safe—everyone is safe.”

Shit. My head popped off his chest as my cloudy thoughts cleared. “Holden, put me down for a minute.”

He gently set me on my feet, and I frantically searched the multitude of people. I inhaled deeply, then yelled, “Reid! Reid!” No response. I tugged on Holden’s arm. “I have to find him.”

“Find who?” Concern clouded his features.

“My friend Reid,” I said slowly so he could understand me. It was definitely a unique name, but I loved it.

Holden cupped his hands around his mouth, his deep voice rippling through the air as he called for him. As Holden continued to yell, I searched all of the people. Then I heard it.


“Reid!” I yelled. Raising my arm, I realized I was too short for him to see me over everyone.

“River!” He was closer.

I glanced around. “I’m in the front by the water coolers!”

“I’m coming!”

Holden dropped his arms, searching for the male that I had so insistently asked for help finding.

“Do you see him anywhere?” Holden asked, his gaze sweeping the crowd.

“Uh … that’s the thing. I have no idea what he looks like. We’ve never seen each other. He was in the cell next to mine.”

A tormented expression twisted Holden’s face, and he gulped. Almost as quickly as the pain showed, it disappeared, and he pulled himself together. “Okay.” He yelled a few more times to help Reid pinpoint our location.

After what seemed like an eternity, the crowd parted. A tall, gorgeous, muscular guy stood in front of me. “River?”

I knew that voice, but as I looked at him, I lost mine. Speechless, I nodded and cocked my head to the side. I was freaking the hell out. “Holy shit,” I finally managed to say. “Holy, fucking shit.”

Reid smiled, but he hadn’t seen who was standing next to me yet. “No kidding. You’re beautiful.” He squeezed my shoulder before wrapping his arms around me. We clung to each other as the tears fell fast and hard.

“Reid, you’re safe now,” I murmured in his ear. “We’re going home.”

I stepped back and peeked at Holden, who had gone utterly still behind me. I tugged on his hand, leading him to stand beside me.

“Reid, this is Holden, my boyfriend. Holden, this is my friend Reid. He kept me sane while I was here.”

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