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Dr. Austin pursed her lips. “When I told Opal that the blood test indicated you were indeed pregnant, she said that you’d opted to terminate the pregnancy. She instructed me to prepare immediately for the abortion.”

Anxiety slithered into every part of me, and I shook my head, my eyes filling with tears. “No, there’s been a mistake. Don’t do it. She … she never told me the test came in. I would never say that I wanted a … a … I want my baby!” I sank my teeth into my bottom lip, using the pain to break through the muddy waters of my brain. Suddenly, the details came rushing back. Opal, Kassandra, and I had eaten dinner, then I started feeling dizzy and tired. I jackknifed up in the bed and looked around, my breathing ragged as a shiver danced over my skin.

“Wait. It’s over?” Tears streamed down my cheeks. “You took my baby?” I hiccupped through my cries. “You fucking bitch! You had no right to take my baby!” A sharp cramp in my lower abdomen doubled me over. “What the hell?” My fingers gripped the mattress as the pain subsided.

The doctor adjusted a bag on the IV pole, wearing a detached expression. “You’re going to need to rest for a few days since you’ve been under so much stress. You’re also dehydrated and undernourished. We’ll need to make sure your health is back on track before you start training. While you were under, I gave you fluids in your IV.” She pointed to the needle in my arm—the thin, clear line connected to a few bags hanging on an IV pole. “Right now, I’ve given you a bit of pain medication. I’ll be back to check on you in a few hours.”

A scream tore from my throat, drowned by my tears. My shoulders uncontrollably shook as I turned away from her. The second the door closed, and the lock clicked, my wails echoed off the white, sterile medical room walls. Opal’s face flickered through my mind. If it’s my last fucking breath, I’m coming for you, bitch. That includes your demented daughter and doctor as well.


Broken and exhausted, I mentally checked out over the next few days. My strength was returning, and according to the doctor, I had color in my cheeks again. I spent hour after hour either zoned-out on the drugs the doctor was giving me or trying to plan my revenge. Opal, Kassandra, and that doctor took my child from me without a second thought. My sorry excuse of a mother abandoned Alan and me and obviously didn’t give two shits about us, but me? I was shattered. Once again, my choice had been stripped away and replaced with pain.

When my brain was clearer, I was determined to plan exactly how I would expose Opal and her crimes. When the right time presented itself, I would destroy her, Kassandra, and Doctor Austin. As soon as I started to contemplate how to accomplish my goal, defeat and depression pumped through me with every beat of my broken heart.

The only light I could see in this darkness was that my body had bought me two weeks before I would be raped, beaten, and trained to serve. I had to use my time wisely.

The dream I’d had about Holden returned front and center to my groggy brain. I wondered if my subconscious was dealing with the forced abortion, giving me hope that I would be in Holden’s arms again. But I wasn’t sure I’d make it out of this hellhole alive. Plus, Opal and Kassandra had talked about selling me overseas to a monster that loved a girl with a fighting spirit. I wasn’t stupid. Men like that wanted to strip a female of her power and will to live. Break her slowly and draw off the pain to feed their sickness.

One thing was for certain: I had to figure a way out and fast.

Chapter Ten

The next thing I knew, early morning sunlight filtered into my room, waking me. I rubbed the sleep from my bleary eyes, then scanned the area. I was still at the medical clinic, but my mind was clear, alert.

I sat up slowly. This time, things didn’t tilt and spin. Glancing at my arm, I realized my IV had been removed. I was free of the drugs the doctor had fed me for the last few days. I carefully swung my legs over the edge of the bed and eased off the mattress. Noting the blue socks with white grips on the bottom, I wiggled my toes. I used to love these in the past. Not anymore.

I clutched the bedrail and took a few steps, then a few more. Other than some occasional cramps, I felt better, stronger.

The door swung open, and the doctor entered. There wasn’t even a trace of remorse in her expression. Hell, I suspected she was a soulless bitch exactly like her bosses. “Good morning. It’s nice to see you up and around. How are you feeling?” Her body language was stiff and professional, lacking any emotion at all.

“I feel better.” I cautiously walked to the bed but remained standing.

“Excellent.” She approached a computer and entered a password. “I’ll update your information.” Dr. Austin focused on her task while I waited.

When she finished, she headed to the cabinet, slipped in a key, and unlocked it. “Here are some clean clothes. I’ll send you with some feminine protection as well. You’ll bleed for a bit. There will be some clotting, too. Don’t be alarmed, it’s normal.”

The doctor placed a grey sweatshirt and jeans on the bed. “You’re in luck. I just happen to have your size.” She nodded at the garments before she returned to the drawers and cabinets. “Once you get changed, you’ll be all ready to go.”

“Go where exactly?” I searched her for any sign of genuine kindness. If she had a weak spot, maybe I could convince her to help me run ... but I came up empty-handed.

“I’m not at liberty to say.” She placed a light green and blue box next to my shirt. “I’ll see you again in a few days for a checkup. If you need more Maxi Pads, let me know when I see you.”

As far as I was concerned, this lady wasn’t even allowed to touch me again, but it wasn’t my choice any longer. Barrett and Reid had clearly explained that to me. Reid. Would I talk to him soon? He was probably worried sick since I hadn’t been in my cell the last three days.

“Okay.” I refused to tell this bitch thank you.

“See you soon.” She gave me a tight smile, then she left.

I scrambled to change clothes, then spotted my shoes in the corner of the room. Slipping them on, I walked around the small space for a minute. It felt good to stretch my legs.

When the door opened again, a tall, lanky, but muscular guard entered. “Ready?” He tugged on his brown beard.

“I guess so. I just have no idea where you’re taking me.” I didn’t expect him to answer, but I could still ask.

“Back to your cell.”

I had to stifle my excitement, which had nothing to do with the living conditions, but I could talk to Reid. Right now, I desperately needed a friend.

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