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“There you are,” Jace said, waving me in. His expression grew more serious as I approached them. “Dude, you look like shit.”

Chance stood, smacked Jace in the arm, and hissed, “Not now, man.”

Oddly enough, I was grateful for Chance’s reminder. Brynn didn’t need to hear any of what had just happened. My gaze landed on her. She had more color in her cheeks than yesterday, but she still looked rough.

“They’re going to allow her to wake up from the coma if she’s doing well by tonight,” Chance explained, holding her hand.

“Well, that’s some progress, at least.” I sat down, my mind spinning out of control with the information Zayne had extracted from Tim. I almost wished I’d stayed with him, though. I had no idea what was happening. Was he going to finish Tim off? What if there was more information? My leg bounced, and Chance shot me a look.

“Hallway. Jace, you stay here and watch over Brynn.” He stood, and I followed him.

Closing the door behind me, I ran my hands through my hair. “I’m fucking losing my mind.”

“What happened with Tim?” Worry lines etched into Chance’s forehead.

I began to pace, unsure of where to start. “He gave us an area to … to look for River.”

Chance grabbed my shoulders and stared a hole into me. “And you’re here?”

“I can’t do anything yet. I have to wait for Zayne to finish taking care of Tim, whatever that entails. Plus, I had to see Brynn.” I rubbed my face with my hand. “Tim said the place is in Northern California, and if River is there, then we would need to search the grounds and look for bunkers. He said she’d possibly be in a hole underground.” My words stuck in my throat, and I nearly gagged on the memories of my hypnosis.

Chance’s eyes widened. His mouth opened and closed several times before he whispered, “Fuck.”

We stupidly looked at each other. I trusted Zayne. I knew that he was giving all of the information to the FBI.

“Who took her? Did he say?” Chance pinned me with an intense gaze.

“No. He refused to give me any names.” I looked away, afraid of what he was going to suggest. At the same time, I was already forming ideas and plans.

“Holden, you saw a cell with a naked girl inside of it. It was in a basement, or underground, right?”

I nodded, struggling to string the right words together. “Do you think I’ve been where she’s at?” I could literally feel the blood drain from my face.

“Yeah, man. I think so. I’m guessing that those years of memories you’ve blocked out were sheer horror. And somehow you’re connected to what’s happening with River.”

Tears burned my eyes. “I’d never intentionally put her in harm’s way. I love her so goddamn much.”

“I know. Hell, you saved her. Now you know what you have to do,” Chance said, sympathy flashing across his features.

My heart pounded against my rib cage. “Yeah. I’d better get to it.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Zayne was going to kick my ass when he realized I’d ditched him. Jace agreed to return to the hotel with me while Chance stayed with Brynn. I’d given Brynn a quick kiss on the forehead and told her I couldn’t wait to see her gorgeous green eyes when she woke up.

Jace requested a few bags of ice for the penthouse, but instead of waiting for the staff to deliver them, we grabbed them ourselves. Now that I had additional information from Tim, maybe my subconscious would help me connect the rest of the dots, and I’d learn who took her.

“Were you close to any aunts and uncles? Your parent’s best friends?” Jace asked as we rode the elevator to the top floor.

“I didn’t even remember Logan until River showed me the picture. Both Mom and Dad had a huge family. Thanksgiving was at my grandma’s on my dad’s side for years until we simply wouldn’t fit.”

The doors slid open, and we hurried down the hall to our room. Jace held the keycard up, and the lock clicked, alerting us it was open.

Once inside, I bolted the door in case anyone tried to barge in. I wasn’t sure how Zayne would react, but as he said, he was with Tim, so jogging a few blocks to the hotel wasn’t a huge deal.

I collected the large container of salt and hurried to the bathroom.

“Dude, why do you always get in with your fucking clothes on?” Jace called out as he grabbed his notebook and pen from his bedroom.

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