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“Huh?” I wasn’t tracking what he was saying.

“River, I’m really trying to figure out how to get you out of your clothes.”

I gaped at him, and my cheeks flamed red.

Holden groaned. “I didn’t mean it like that. I know you’re loopy from the medication and I don’t want you to hurt yourself again, but I can’t undress you either.”

“That makes more sense,” I muttered. I looked at the shower. It was large enough for five people with a see-through door. Holden had placed a chair under the multiple showerheads and near the shelf that was full of shampoo, conditioner, and at least three kinds of body wash. “If I’m in the shower I can use a hand to stand and take my pants off. Like you said, they’re trash anyway. I’ll finish undressing in there.” I grinned at him, rather proud of my plan.

“And when you’re done?” He folded his arms across his broad chest.

I narrowed my eyes at the floor. Marble again. Shit, I’d bust my ass as soon as my wet foot hit the smooth stone. “Hang the towel on the shower handle. I’ll hop over, open the door, then grab it from there.”

Holden remained quiet. “As soon as you’re wrapped up, yell for me.”

I quirked an eyebrow at him. “You’re bound and determined to see me naked, aren’t you?”

This time Holden’s cheeks turned red. He cleared his throat. “No, I’m trying to avoid another injury. I think one trip to the hospital was enough for the day.” He strolled to the door. “Yell for me. I’ll come in and carry you to Mallory’s room. You can sit on her bed and get dressed again. Her clothes might be a little bit big on you, but not for long. I plan to feed you well while you’re recovering.”

What the fuck was with this guy? “I’m not some pet project for you to fix,” I snapped.

Holden approached me with a steely, calm expression. “Let’s get something straight. Unlike you, I come from a decent home. When I was younger, my parents taught me to be kind and to care about others that are less fortunate than we are.”

My eyes flared in warning as the ugly truth filled the air, and a humorless laugh escaped me. I shot up on my good leg and punched him in the chest. His face registered shock as he staggered backward.

“Fuck you. I’m well-aware I’m trailer trash in the king’s castle, but don’t you ever speak to me like that again. I don’t fucking need your pity. Now get out so I can get undressed and shower. The water has been running for a while, which is a goddamned waste if you weren’t aware of it.” My nostrils flared as I willed myself not to hit him again.

Holden hung the towel on the handle of the shower door, then quietly left the room. I hoped he felt like shit.

I sank onto the toilet again. At least I was alone. My anger had cleared my head a little, and I stood on my good leg, held onto the wall with one hand, and hopped over to other side of the room, where I discarded all my clothes other than my jeans in the trash. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to wear them again. Too bad my life wasn’t as easily disposed of.

One thing was for sure, if the asshole continued to treat me like that, it would be pretty easy not to get attached to him.

Chapter Nine

True to his word, Holden had shown up when I’d called him from the bathroom. He was silent as he carried me to a large bedroom and carefully set me on the bed.

“I’m making dinner, so yell when you’re dressed.”

The second he was out of earshot, I groaned and fell back on the plush mattress. Guilt gnawed at me, and I closed my eyes. I’d been a bitch, but he’d clearly categorized me as belonging in the less fortunate pile of shit, and it pissed me off. Even if he ended up apologizing for being rude, he’d still verbalized it.

The little voice inside my head reminded me he’d been nothing but good and kind to me, and he was allowed to have a stupid moment.

I laid still, reveling in the soft comforter I was lying on. The tray ceiling and large windows made the huge room feel even more spacious. Finally, curiosity won, and I sat up, taking in all of the beautiful details. A white dresser matched the four-poster king-sized bed frame, and two bookshelves were filled with books. When I had the crutches, I’d have to take a look and see if there was anything good to read. Books had become my best friends over the years. They’d provided a safe place where I could mentally and emotionally hide. The characters had invited me into their homes, and I rarely wanted to leave to face the real world.

I ran my hand over the black-and-blue comforter, the soft, plush fibers brushing against my palm. A pair of gray Victoria’s Secret sweat shorts and a matching sweatshirt laid on the bed next to me. A red bra and panty set with the tags still on them were near the shirt. I held the panties up with one finger. There wasn’t much to them. The small triangle of fabric covered the front, then a string went up the ass. Well, they had a better chance of fitting me than the bra did. I fiddled with the tag and laughed. Mallory was smaller in the chest than I was, but not by much. Maybe it would fit okay.

Finally, my attention landed on my backpack, then my mouth gaped open in shock. Holden had found my knife and laid it next to the bag for me. He could have kept it, but he hadn’t. I wasn’t sure why, unless he wanted to help me feel safe. Unfortunately, it would take a hell of a lot more than a few kind gestures.

A half hour later, I was dressed and exhausted. I wasn’t sure where I was going to sleep, but the bed was super comfy. I sighed as I adjusted my boobs in my new bra. It fit better than I thought it would, which meant I was covered and wouldn’t have to try to hide my nipples from Holden.

Another minute passed, and I finally swallowed my pride. It was time to apologize for my outburst. I stood and held onto the wall as I hopped to the door, then opened it. Thank God I was in good shape, or my leg would have given out soon.

I hobbled down the hall, then to the edge of the living room. My mouth watered as the delicious smell of dinner wafted toward me.

“Hey,” I said. Nervous energy tap danced over my ribcage as I waited.

Holden spun around, nearly dropping his beer on the floor. “Shit, you startled me.”

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