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I laced my fingers behind my head, anxiety skipping through my body. “Hey, I was wondering if you’d been able to check out the address I gave you?”

“Not yet. We’ve had higher priorities, so it got moved down on the list,” she explained.

“On the way here, I realized I don’t know what Tim’s weak spot is, where he’s blinded.” I glanced at Zayne, who continued to stare out of the window at Chance’s tree line.

“You’re wondering if this lady and little girl are his?”

“Maybe. Honestly, I’m not sure that fucker even has human emotion, which means he doesn’t have a blind spot. Anyone that aims guns at his son is seriously fucked up.”

“I agree with you. At the same time, I’m not surprised. Pierce considered mentioning the possibility to you, but Brian said no. He didn’t want you to go in spooked. You were already nervous, and there was no need to stress you out any further with a possible scenario.”

“Yeah, good call. That would have messed with me.” I squeezed the bridge of my nose, willing the looming headache to go away. “What do you think? Can we check into the woman and little girl he saw that night? Maybe they’re his kryptonite.”

“I’m meeting with Pierce and Brian in a few minutes. I’ll dive into it as soon as that’s done. I’ll keep you posted.”

“Thanks, Sutton. I appreciate it. Maybe we’ll luck out.”

“Fingers crossed,” she said before she ended the conversation.

The second the call ended, my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and glanced at the screen.

I answered and placed it on speaker.

“Hey, Chance. How’s Brynn?” I sat on the arm of the couch, suddenly overwhelmed and exhausted.

“They’re preparing for her to fly down. They drained her stomach, and it looks a lot better.”

“Hopefully she’s a little more comfortable now. How’s she doing otherwise?”

“She’s apologizing and crying a lot,” Chance said softly. “She’s really scared, man. So am I.”

My heart stuttered. “When will they start treatment?”

“Tomorrow morning. They’ll get her settled this evening.” Chance sighed. “Never in a million years did I think we’d all be here right now.”

“Me either.” My shoulders slumped with the weight of the world pushing down on them. I wasn’t even sure how to support Chance when I was so mentally fucked up. Between River and Brynn, I couldn’t see straight.

“Will you be able to stay with her in the room?” I asked, glancing up at Zayne.

“Yeah. I’m pretty sure she’d beat the hell out of anyone that told me I had to leave.” Chance chuckled. “She’s still feisty when she needs to be. They’re running a ton of tests and she’s feeling like a pin cushion. When the last nurse came in, Brynn yelled at her.”

I winced. Brynn could be vicious on occasion. “Was the nurse okay?”

Chance and I laughed. Not that it was funny, but at this point, we were trying to keep our heads above water.

“I think she’s used to it.”

Muffled voices came through the line. “They’re ready. I’ll try and FaceTime you guys tonight. She said she misses everyone and wants to see your ugly mugs.”

I grinned. “She didn’t say that.”

“Nope, I did.” At least Chance was attempting to keep his spirits up.

“Jace will be back at some point, so text me when you two have a few minutes and we’ll make it happen. Give her a kiss for us.”

“I plan on it.”

“Later, man.” I tapped the red button on my screen and realized Zayne was staring at me, his hand covering his chin.

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