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Chance hugged Jace and me, then I handed him his black leather duffel bag. His long-sleeved white button-down shirt was rolled up to his forearms but untucked from his jeans. Dark circles shadowed his eyes, and he nervously ran his hand over his blonde hair. “We crammed everything possible in it, including stuff for Brynn.” I flashed him a sad smile. It wouldn’t be the same without Brynn and Chance around. Hopefully, they would be home soon. “Thanks, man. I really appreciate it.”

“Can we see her?” Jace asked.

“You’ve got to be quick and quiet, but yeah. She was asleep the last I checked on her,” Chance explained.

“Go on in, man.” I patted Jace on the back.

“I’ll make it fast.” He slipped through the crack of her door and disappeared.

I assessed Chance. “How are you holding up?” I asked, folding my arms over my chest.

“It’s going to be a long, hard road. I had no idea things were this bad.” Chance swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down.

“Don’t forget to take care of yourself too. Watch funny shit on TV, listen to your favorite podcasts, try to sleep, and definitely remember to eat. You’re a bastard when you’re hangry.” We both chuckled. “I’ll expect an update at least twice daily. Maybe we can FaceTime, that way we’re all able to look at each other.”

“She’s going to need to see both of you, so I’ll make it happen.”

We kept the conversation light. Neither of us wanted to admit that this might be goodbye with Brynn. The second the idea slammed into me, I shook it off. I couldn’t ... I wouldn’t entertain the possibility that she might not make it through this.

A few minutes later, Jace slipped back into the hallway. “She’s awake.” He nodded at me to get in there.

My hands trembled slightly, and I fisted my fingers. She didn’t need to see how scared I was. I poked my head into her room and willed my mouth not to hang open. Her stomach had grown even more. She was pale and hooked up to oxygen. Images of seeing Emerson in the hospital bombarded my mind and my palms grew clammy. I reminded myself that this situation was different. Brynn would return home.

“Hey, babe.” She grinned at me and rubbed her tummy. “This is what I’d look like if I ever got pregnant.”

“You’re beautiful. I can’t wait for you and River to have little ones together.”

Brynn struggled to sit up, and I hurried to help her.

“I’m so fucking weak. I hate it.”

I fluffed her pillows and helped her get as comfortable as possible in the hospital bed.

“It will get better. It’s only temporary. Try to keep that in mind.” I took her hand in mine and sat on the edge of the mattress. “You scared us pretty bad.”

Brynn sniffled. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I’m putting you all through this. As soon as River gets home, she’s going to have to put up with me being sick.” She rolled her eyes. “Not much of a welcome home party, huh?”

I kissed her knuckles. “Don’t even think twice about it.” I smoothed her hair off her forehead. “Are you in pain?”

“Some, but I didn’t want any drugs. The edible was enough.”

“I snuck you in a bag of Ruffles. It’s in Chance’s duffel bag.”

Her face lit up with her smile. “Really?”

I chuckled. “Yup.” Shifting on the bed, I stared at her. “I hope it was okay that I told the EMTs that Chance was your husband. It just flew out of my mouth. All I could think about was that your stupid parents weren’t here, and we had to have a way to help with decisions and information.”

“It’s fine. I would have done the same if I could have breathed well enough to talk. No offense to the two of you, but Chance has the most level head. Plus, his mom and dad have a lot of pull in the medical community.”

“Excellent, sounds like I made the right call.” I offered her a warm smile, trying my best to assure her that she was in good hands.

Brynn leaned her head back against the pillow. “I’m scared, Holden. I won’t admit it to anyone else, but I’m fucking terrified.”

Our gazes connected. “We all are. Chance will be with you in Oregon, and Jace and I will fly down on the weekends. We’re only a FaceTime away, so call us whenever.”

She nodded and tightly gripped my hand. “Do you think River would mind if I asked you for a kiss? In case it’s the last time …” Her words stuck in her throat, and her body trembled.

“If River were here, she’d kiss you too. I think she’ll understand.” I ran my fingertips over Brynn’s cheek. “You know I love you, right?” I whispered, preparing myself for goodbye. This could be the last time I might ever see her.

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