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“I guess we’re about to find out. Talk soon,” Pierce said before he disconnected the call.

I placed my cell in my lap and blew out a breath.

“What about Brynn?” Jace asked, disbelief hanging on his words.

I turned slightly so I could see him. “What about her? I’ll be around unless Tim insists I travel. You and Chance are more than capable of taking care of her. But … under no circumstance is she to know what’s going on. Am I clear?”

The color drained from Jace’s cheeks, and he slumped in his seat. “You better fucking come back alive, man. If …” Jace shook his head and stared out of the passenger window.

“He’ll make it out alive,” Zayne explained. “Tim obviously needs him for starters. Second, you never go in the field without backup. Pierce will have two men on you at all times. You’ll never be alone,”

“That’s all good, but it only takes a second to get shot and die,” Jace added. “No one can protect you from that. I hope you’ve thought this through, Holden. There’s no coming back to us if you’re fucking dead.”

Shocked by Jace’s reaction, I looked him in the eye. “If it saves River, then it will be worth it,” I growled. “You’d do the same, so get off my ass.”

Jace’s gaze narrowed, and his nostrils flared. “I’m not on board with this. Once Brynn finds out—and we both know she will—she won’t be either.”

What the fuck was his problem? “Brynn won’t find out because if anyone tells her, they’ll be recovering in the hospital.” I wasn’t fucking around about this. I was trying to protect both of my girls. I wasn't sure why Jace hadn’t figured that out yet, but I suspected it tied in with losing his Mom. Chance, Brynn, River, and I were all he had left. At the same time, no one was asking him to go with me.

Dread bundled inside me, and nausea rolled in my gut. I’d analyzed this idea in every possible direction once we’d learned that Tim knew who took River. I’d been patient for two days. I was done waiting on other people to find her. My heart and logic played tug-of-war as I realized that Jace was right. If this went down the wrong way, I might never escape the life my father lived. Not alive, anyway.

Facing the front again, I remained quiet and looked out of the window. Since Tim had burned my club, I planned to tell him that I wouldn’t be able to recoup the money fast enough, and I’d changed my mind about working for him. Once I had the capital, I could start the next club and mention that it could be a front for the weapons. He might be blinded by his ego and not suspect much. Or maybe it was foolish, thinking that he’d take me to the center of the operation right away. No sane man would do that, but I questioned Tim’s sanity all the time.

Forty minutes later, Zayne parked the car on a flat section of the fifteen acres I’d found online. The view of the lake was stunning, with a variety of leafy trees. One thing I didn’t like about Spokane was the abundance of pine. I wanted to see the leaves change colors in the fall, and I knew River did as well. She talked about it all the time. Montana had mountains full of autumnal colors. Even if I had to plant them myself, I wanted our property to have that too.

The stifling tension in the car had me jumping out before Zayne had turned the engine off. I needed air. I’d hoped that Jace would understand my decision, but apparently not.

A soft breeze blew over the lake, the green leaves rustling in the wind. It was peaceful and quiet. From the map, it appeared that everyone had fifteen acres, which would cut down on noise and provide a bit of privacy. I shoved my hand in my jeans pocket and continued to walk toward the water. I spotted a dock and boat slip. It needed a bit of updating, but I was fine with that. Even belonging to a wealthy family, I’d never shied away from hard work.

A boat buzzed by, and the waves lazily slapped against the shore. There was a large open area, then trees on each side of the property. The only reason I knew there was a home next to us was from the Google Earth map. I suspected there were at least five acres between us, though. The more I walked the land, the more I fell in love with it.

Jace kept his distance, obviously still angry. Zayne caught up with me after a few minutes. “Does the property have gas, water, and electrical readily available, or would you have to have it all put in?”

“Put in, but that would allow me to position the house where I want it. I’m thinking the view of the lake is what River would love the most.”

“That’s what I would do. I bet the sunset is stunning bouncing off the water. Don’t forget internet. I remember when Pierce was building his place, providers were scarce. He ended up paying for his own fiber optic lines to be put in. You might have to do the same.”

“Good to know.” I focused on Jace again. “I’m not sure why he’s so pissed about my plan with Tim.”

Zayne arched a brow at me. “Really?”

I rubbed my stubbled jawline. “No, but my head’s not in a good place so I’ve apparently missed something.”

Zayne folded his arms across his massive chest. The guy cleared me by a few inches and was built like a fucking brick wall.

“First of all, you didn’t ask how he felt about it before you made a decision. These are your people, man. It’s obvious you guys are tight. More than tight. It’s clear that you all have lived some life together.”

“We have,” I confirmed his suspicions.

“And have you really thought this through? I mean, of course you’ll do everything possible to bring River back, but life rarely goes down the way we think it will. Shit happens, and you’re going to be in a dangerous environment. Jace might lose you, Brynn, and River.”

Anxiety pulled and tugged at my insides. “I know. If I had another idea that would work in a short time, I’d do it. I hate Tim. He should have already done the right thing and told us where she is. Instead, he’s playing God. He fucking disgusts me. River is all that matters to me. Second is Brynn. That might sound shitty, but those two are my priorities.”

“Cut yourself some slack and ditch the guilt. No man should choose another woman over the one they’re in love with. Nothing shitty about it. Plus, she’s pregnant.”

Feeling the nervous tic in my jaw, I pursed my lips. “Yeah, I haven’t forgotten.”

Jace approached us, appearing calmer than he had been ten minutes ago. “It’s peaceful out here. I think River would like the property and the lake a lot.”

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