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She made sense. If I were in her place, I’d want the same from my friends. I blew out a long sigh and laced my fingers behind my head. “I’ve been having some really strange nightmares.”

Brynn propped up on her elbow, her fist planting against her cheek. “Tell me about them.”

I stared into space, attempting to collect the pieces that I could still remember. Once I woke up, they faded quickly. “I think I’m a little kid and everyone around me is faceless. I can’t tell who they are. But …” A sharp pain stabbed me in the chest, and I allowed the heartache to anchor me to the moment. “Someone keeps screaming for me to help them.” I glanced at her, checking to see if she’d fallen asleep yet.

“Is it a boy or a girl?” She stifled a yawn.

“I don’t know. When I’m in the nightmare the only feeling is … terror. Like some really bad shit is going down, and I can’t do anything to stop it.”

“Maybe you’re really dreaming about River. The subconscious is tricky. It’s not always literal.” She reached out and placed her hand on my forearm.

Brynn’s suggestion would make sense, but I still couldn’t shake the utter devastation that accompanied the nightmares.

“It’s not about River. I had the same night terrors when I was younger. They stopped for a while, but they’re back.” I didn’t want to verbalize any more to Brynn, but it was almost as though the dreams were stealing a part of my soul.

There was no way to prepare myself for what lay ahead. But the fact remained that one of the happiest days of my life would also unlock secrets that would nearly destroy me.

Chapter Twenty

The house was refreshingly quiet the following day. With no sign of Chance or Brynn yet, I texted Jace.

Plans today? I have to get the hell out of here for a while.

Black dots flickered across my screen while I waited for his response.

I need to hit something. How about we go to the college? Beat the hell out of shit, then eat.

Jace had read my mind. Perfect. Meet you in thirty.

Instead of texting Chance and Brynn, I scribbled them a quick note that Jace and I were heading out for the day. I wasn’t sure if their phones were on, and I didn’t want to risk a message waking them. Brynn needed her rest.

Once I informed Zayne of the plans, I changed into a pair of black basketball shorts and a plain white T-shirt. I slipped on my tennis shoes, grabbed my gym bag with fresh clothes, wallet, phone, and keys, then quietly left.

Zayne was waiting by the Mercedes as I hurried down the porch steps. I was hoping that we would hear something about River that day, but I desperately needed a change of scenery. Brynn’s news had ambushed me. Even with the signs that she wasn’t feeling well, I’d never expected to hear the word cancer.

“Hey, man.” I opened the passenger door and hopped into the car. Zayne slid into the driver’s side and started the engine.

“Morning.” He shifted and eased out of the driveway and onto the road.

“I talked to Brynn.” I reached for my sunglasses and put them on to block out some of the bright morning sun.

“How did it go?” Zayne asked, remaining focused on the curves in front of him.

A nervous knot of panic formed in my stomach and grew. What if Brynn died? I kicked myself in the ass for even considering that. She hadn’t even started treatment yet. People survived cancer all the time.

Tears clogged my throat, choking my words off. I swallowed through the thickness, but my voice sounded strained when I finally spoke.

“She has cancer.” I stared out the passenger window while my emotions snuck up on me again. Every time I thought I could have a conversation about her treatment, I lost it.

“Fuck,” Zayne replied. “How bad?”

I tapped my leg impatiently. This conversation sucked. “Stage three lymphoma in her stomach.”

“Fuck,” Zayne said again. “Sorry, man. I don’t even have the words right now. … fuck ...”

I shifted in the seat, stretching my legs in front of me. “Yeah. It’s more than I can handle.”

“Maybe you should go to the gym more often. At least you can hit a heavy bag and not get arrested. Your anger will take over if you don’t watch it.”

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