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“Fuck!” I slammed my fist into my leg. “The engagement ring is in my nightstand drawer.” I squeezed my eyes closed, willing this nightmare to stop.

“You were going to propose, or already had and needed to get the ring sized?” Zayne sped past several cars, and I wondered how many speeding tickets he’d received and managed to get out of.

“I was supposed to ask her to marry me last night.”

“Sorry, man. That fucking sucks.” Zayne flipped on the turn signal, then moved into the right lane, passing a car in the left.

I peeked at the speedometer. He was pushing ninety. There was no way we would be able to move this fast on Division Street. There were too many stoplights and too much congestion.

Glancing through the front windshield, I spotted a plume of black smoke. “Goddammit.” I pointed at the fire that was visible from Interstate 90.

A police siren wailed too close for comfort, and I glanced behind us. “Fuck, we’re getting pulled over. This shit’s just getting better and better.”

Zayne slowed down enough to pull off onto the shoulder of the highway. Blue and red lights flashed behind us. I sank into the seat, my eyes glued to the billowing smoke that was now blotting out the sun from my view.

“Put your hands on the dash,” Zayne ordered.

I did as he asked. I’d never had any problem with the cops here, but I wasn’t interested in having any issues either. Zayne lowered his window and placed his palms on the wheel where the officer could see them.

“Sir, are you aware that you were going twenty-five miles over the speed limit?”

“Yes, sir. My name is Zayne Wilson. I’m the bodyguard for Holden Alastair. Right now, his home and business are on fire. You can see it behind you. If you’d be kind enough to give us an escort, I’d appreciate it.”

The cop talked into his radio and confirmed Zayne’s information. “Let me verify who you both are, then I’ll be happy to help. Mr. Alastair, can I have your driver’s license?”

I slowly moved my left hand and removed my wallet from my jeans pocket. “Open it up. My license is on the left side.” I handed it to Zayne, who gave it to the officer.

Once the cop verified that I was Holden Alastair, he hurried back to his vehicle, turned on the sirens, and pulled out into the traffic. Zayne stayed right behind him.

“This actually worked out better,” Zayne said as he rolled up the window and pushed the button for the air recycler, then switched it on full blast. “The air flow will keep the smell of the fire out.”

“Thanks. I’m sure I’ll inhale more than my fair share once we’re there.”

The next ten minutes were painstakingly slow as I continued to stare at the black, thick cloud of smoke. Zayne drove into the parking lot across the street from the club. Before he rolled to a complete stop, I bolted out of the car and to the other side of the road. Fire trucks and ambulances were fucking everywhere.

I grabbed my phone and called Chance, hoping like hell he wasn’t inside.

“Yeah?” Chance’s breath came out ragged and uneven as though he were running.

“I’m here. Where are you?” I frantically searched around the crowd of people.

“I’m helping the employees, man,” he said, coughing as he attempted to talk.

I stopped abruptly, my hand rubbing the back of my neck. “Where? I’ll help. This is my club. Get your ass out here and I’ll go in.”

A loud clatter echoed through the line, and I suspected Chance had dropped his phone.

“Chance? Chance!” I darted over to one of the firefighters. “My best friend is in the building. Chance is also the manager so he’s trying to save the people that are still in the club. How bad is the fire? Can someone look for him?” Panic seized me. This wasn’t good.

Zayne coughed from behind me, and I was grateful he was there.

“I’ll make a call and let the men know,” the firefighter stated.

“Thank you. You have no idea how much I appreciate everyone.” I pulled my shirt over my nose and took a deep breath before I released it. “I’m Holden, this is my residence and business. Do you have any clue about how the fire started?”

“Not sure, but the penthouse is where it started from what we can tell at this point. The lower floors will be all right if we’re able to contain it fast enough.”

The second the words left his mouth, an explosion erupted on our side of the building.

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